Ben Carson Asks Classroom to Single out Dumbest Student & Your Guess Is as Good as Mine as to Why His Poll Numbers Are Slipping

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Props to The Hill (@thehill on Twitter) for shelling out this amazing nugget of information earlier this afternoon:

“Speaking to a large crowd at an Iowa elementary school on Thursday, the Republican presidential hopeful said to the fifth-grade class at Isaac Newton Christian School, “Who’s the worst student?””

Apparently, when you’re a neurosurgeon campaigning for the U.S. Presidency in Iowa, all bets are off. You have to bring a hard dose of reality with you everywhere you go. You’re in an all-out war with approximately 64 other Republicans, and now is the time to start teaching people about their contributions to society (or, in this case, the classroom). Show the rest of the GOP that you’re a man of action and will not tolerate any of these losers potentially looking for a handout.

After all, part of Carson’s idea for a better America is enabling people to create success for themselves as opposed to government assistance. Trust me – I’ve read One Nation. How are you going to identify the people who need help if you don’t single them out in front of 500 people while they’re in the 5th grade?

Go, Ben Carson! Teaching kids early on to identify and eliminate the dead weight in society today!

In all fairness, though, before you raise a fuss, it was intended to be a joke:

….because 5th graders are often touted for their ability to understand rhetorical questions. Carson was quick to console the child, reminding everyone in the room that he was once stupid but turned his life around to become a world famous neurosurgeon in the most Ben Carson move ever.

It’s really good that there were no ill feelings about the incident, though. The Hill’s report goes on to say:

“The 10-year-old later said that he wasn’t embarrassed by the incident. “No,” he said when reporters asked him if his feelings were hurt.”

Prophetic – no wonder everyone pointed to this kid when prompted to single out the dumbest one among them. We’ve probably witnessed the extent of his vocabulary here (sorry – couldn’t turn down an opportunity to deliver a virtual Tombstone Piledriver to a hapless 5th grader).

Apparently, Carson met with the kid afterwards to encourage him to become a neurosurgeon in a desperate attempt to save face. It’s like he wanted to tell the kid, “Keep your chin up, slugger. Look at me – you don’t have to be dumb forever. You should do what…you….should…be a neurosurgeon.” Why? Because ‘neurosurgeon’ was the first thing to pop into his head, because all Ben Carson thinks about is Ben Carson.


PS – does Ben Carson just casually sit around and converse like this?


Stoney Keeley is the editor of the SoBros Network, Tennessee Titans Featured Analyst for Pro Football Spot, and covers the WWE for Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley@PFSpot@WrestlingNewsCo

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