There's Only One Way to Settle This Russia-U.S. Election Controversy: A Good Old Fashioned Flag Match

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Courtesy of CNN“The United States must either stop accusing Russia of meddling in its elections or prove it, a spokesman for Russian President Vladimir Putin said Friday.

Presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said it was “indecent” of the United States to “groundlessly” accuse Russia of intervention in the US election campaign, Russian state news agency Tass reported.
“They should either stop talking about that or produce some proof at last. Otherwise it all begins to look unseemly,” Peskov reportedly said about the latest accusations that Russia was responsible for hacker attacks.
President Barack Obama on Thursday vowed retaliatory action against Russia in the light of allegations that it meddled in the US presidential election campaign.
“I think there is no doubt that when any foreign government tries to impact the integrity of our elections that we need to take action and we will at a time and place of our own choosing,” he told NPR.”
Well, there it is – Russia has thrown down the gauntlet. It’s time for the good ol’ U.S. of A to put up or shut up. Gotta either prove Russia messed with the election or shut the hell up about it. Well, I got news for you, Mr. Russian spokesperson. This is America – we never shut the hell up.
We’re unhappy with something? Just gonna complain about it until it’s solved. Well, you called our bluff there. I’m sure we have a crack team of forensic scientists, journalists, and comment section trolls trying to gather that “proof” you’ve requested.
LOL proof…ummmm….how about, “because we said so.” How’s that for proof?
Boy, you know this thing has gotten pretty heated when President Obama is out there cutting promos on Vladimir Putin like it’s an episode of Monday Night Raw. Hell, that wasn’t just your everyday run of the mill promo, that was the political equivalent of CM Punk’s pipe bomb.
That was Obama saying he was fed up with all of this bullshit finger-pointing, and he’s ready to settle this score once and for all. America is going to do something about it, and I say there’s no better place than a wrestling ring and a good old-fashioned flag match.
It’s kind of like when Sgt. Slaughter turned on the U.S.A. and started singing the praises of Saddam Hussein. Sometimes you just gotta hang Old Glory on a pole, and whoever wins the grudge match gets to have their national anthem played. It doesn’t even have to be Obama vs. Putin straight up. I know they have important jobs to do, but maybe they call up their most capable representatives.
Let’s call up Hulk Hogan and Nikolai Volkoff and see if they’ve got one more go left in ’em.

Stoney Keeley is the editor of the SoBros Network, Tennessee Titans Featured Analyst for Pro Football Spot, Contributor to FanSided’s Bama Hammer, and covers the WWE for Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley@PFSpot@WrestlingNewsCo@Bama_Hammer

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