The further we got into the 2016 Presidential election, the crazier Ben Carson seemed to get.
Anyone who closely followed the 2016 presidential campaign likely has a favorite Ben Carson moment. There was the time he walked away from a live CNN interview because he realized he didn’t know where his luggage was. There was the time he neglected to walk onstage during his turn at the ABC debate, causing a grinning Senator Ted Cruz to walk around him. And now, the newly minted Secretary of Housing and Urban Development has just inked another comically awkward moment into the history books.
This was such a nice recap of Carson’s miscues. I mean, my God, how can you forget such classics as the debate debacle? I watched that moment live, and thought, “this guy is fucking toast. What a loser!” He just seems like he lives in his own little bubble. The quintessential “book smart but no common sense” type. How he made it as far as he did is astonishing.
While touring affordable housing in Miami with former Heat star Alonzo Mourning, Carson got stuck in an elevator for nearly 20 minutes as the NBA legend waited outside.
This sounds like a veritable damn dream team – Carson and Mourning on a crusade together to save Miami. But, still, can you imagine being stuck in an elevator with Carson for any extended amount of time? I wonder what happens – does he just default to listing his many accomplishments?
Carson is in Miami as part of a national listening tour, during which he hopes to hear from people who rely on public housing and from organizations that support it. This comes less than a month after The Washington Post obtained a budget outline, which appears to show President Trump’s plan to slash HUD’s funding by more than $6 billion.
Ironically, if that occurs, the budget cuts will severely impact HUD’s maintenance funds (i.e. their ability to execute much needed repair work on public housing facilities, like the elevator Carson just got stuck in).
Wow – so yeah, this is a total Ben Carson thing to do. He’s going around seeing what exactly people need so that they can NOT get in after Trump rips up his budget. Damn, why you even still on the road, dude? Just go home at that point.
Look – I have to give Carson his due. The state of politicians at the time the 2016 election was heating up was so bad that we were looking for viable candidates everywhere. Donald Trump won the whole damn thing, for crying out loud. Carson was an interesting character. He didn’t have the political background, was a successful surgeon, seemed like a reasonable cat.
I’m an outspoken moderate – I like reasonable people. I liked John Kasich. I liked Martin O’Malley. I saw the good in every candidate irrespective of political affiliation. Ultimately – I think Bernie Sanders is the way of the future, but people aren’t ready for that, so we settled on the “corrupt career politician vs. the corrupt billionaire who’s in over his head” fight. Anyway, that said, I’m willing to listen to anyone’s reasoning and perspective and, through careful deliberation, I arrive at my personal preference for POTUS.
Through that careful deliberation, and out of intrigue, I picked up Carson’s book. Boy, was that stupid. By the time I finished it, I had concluded that Carson was a narcissistic lunatic. Practical ideas, mind you – but the entire thing seemed like an ode to his own accomplishments. Afterwards, I read about what is essentially a shrine to himself in his own home, and thought, “who is this man?”
But, I lost a lot of respect after the infamous “vaccines” moment during one of the Republican debates. Trump just rambling on stage, Carson with the opportunity to drop the fucking hammer on him, and he didn’t. He backed down – and eventually out of the race altogether.
Good dude I’m sure, but damn – he’s little more than a comedy bit now. Oh, and yeah – I guess he’s trying to improve affordable housing conditions, too. But, more importantly, a comedy bit…
Stoney Keeley is the editor of the SoBros Network and covers the WWE for Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley, @WrestlingNewsCo
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