The New Season of the Leftovers Promptly Put My Brain in a Pretzel

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**SPOILER ALERT** If you don’t want to read spoilers, GTFO.

The Leftovers isn’t like other television programs. This isn’t a show that’s going to leave you breadcrumbs to try and figure out what the hell is going on. It’s not going to make you feel happy rays of sunshine inside your body. No, it’s much more likely that HBO’s hit series is going to leave you in a heap of confusion and stress.

But, that’s a good thing. A very, very good thing.

I’ve spent far too many hours combing Reddit for Game of Thrones theories. I’ve spent late nights reading through the Walking Dead wiki, trying to catch up on the wide array of characters on the show. A lot of time has been invested into these shows, which, those of you who know me, know I don’t give too freely. It’s why I don’t really watch much television.

But, with The Leftovers, it’s different. It’s just full-blown emotional chaos. It makes the show infinitely better to just sit and consume it and let it do to your body what it will.

Still, even for a show as out there as The Leftovers, last weekend’s series premiere left my a shell of my former self.

The Guilty Remnant got blown the hell up

So, right off the bat, we see what happens with the rest of the Guilty Remnant. Like, as soon as possible, they show us what happened, and it wasn’t pretty. Guess they ain’t playin’ around anymore, because this group was bombed to shit. It caught me off guard a little bit, but I guess their part in this story is over? The bombing left behind a huge crater

Kevin Garvey is Jesus?

Yeah, it’s weird. But, the most fucked up thing about this show is that it actually stands to reason. At least, in the context of the show, it makes sense. Matt (the estranged preacher) has apparently been writing a book recounting Kevin’s life because, well, WEIRD SHIT KEEPS HAPPENING. Namely, oh I don’t know, that Kevin died, was buried in dirt, and still managed to crawl out. Oh yeah, then there was that time that John shot him with a shotgun and Kevin lived.

So, in a world where a chunk of the population just up and disappeared one day, your comatose wife comes back to life and has a baby, and this dude comes back from the dead on multiple occasions, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to start writing stuff like this down.

Speaking of John…

John and Laurie are apparently married

Yeah, that happened. And apparently, they’re running some sort of psychological treatment facility like the dude who was reading people’s palms in one of the earlier seasons. God, there’s so much that has happened that I don’t even remember, but this seems so wrong. Why are characters showing signs of happiness in this show?

Apparently, we’re doing time jumps

WTF was with the scene involving the Pilgrims at the beginning of the show? And, Nora at the end? Hold up, HBO – are we going forward or backwards? What is the significance of some crazy Pilgrim bitch getting abandoned by her family? And, where the hell is Nora? Is that Australia? I’m sorry – I have tears in my eyes. I just can’t continue this piece.

From the preview of the rest of the season, I can already tell that this is season is going to be the weirdest, most intriguing, and heart-wrenching one yet.

I dont even know what’s happening with my brain right now.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. A strong advocate of GSD (get shit done) and #BeBetter, he’s down to talk Tennessee Titans and Alabama Crimson Tide football over a beer any day. Check him out covering the WWE for Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley@WrestlingNewsCo

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