Well, the Watertown mile-long yard sale has come and gone. The crew at the SoBros Network made a day out of it. I started the coverage around 7AM:
Good morning, Nashville. We’re making moves. Go follow @SoBrosNetwork pic.twitter.com/9ekBzVltoJ
— Stoney Keeley (@StoneyKeeley) April 22, 2017
Poppa Bear and Cadbury met up with me out in Gladeville, and after a delightful breakfast of Chick-Fil-A, it was time to brave the treacherous roads of middle Tennessee. Pretty sure it has been raining and thundering for three days straight now, and a lot of the roads were flooded as you’ll see here:
@SoBroPoppaBear @SoBroCadbury and I kick off the #SoBrosRoadToWatertown https://t.co/bHH0isi4Xs
— Stoney Keeley (@StoneyKeeley) April 22, 2017
We finally made it to Watertown and, well, let’s just say…the crowd was not what it usually is.
We’ve made it #SoBrosRoadToWatertown pic.twitter.com/sH37KGnMDh
— Stoney Keeley (@StoneyKeeley) April 22, 2017
Usually, you can hop off I-40 in Lebanon and hit yard sale after yard sale all the way into Watertown. I’m not kidding – usually thousands of people. Traffic is terrible. But, today….not so much. The weather clearly affected the turnout.
Watertown is dead lolololol pic.twitter.com/CuBzzWdfeG
— Stoney Keeley (@StoneyKeeley) April 22, 2017
But, the show must go on. We had an event to cover, a prize to award, and random shit to buy.
At our first stop, we found a treasure trove of vinyl records. In case y’all don’t know, @SoBroPoppaBear is mighty proud of his vinyl record collection. He found some KISS, Journey, John Cougar, and a copy of Michael Jackson’s Thriller. Pretty solid haul. Later on, we found matching Watertown hats, which you can check out if you follow SoBrosNetwork on Instagram.
Tennessee – where we sell guns and ammo at yard sales. pic.twitter.com/i3CDQn0Si7
— Stoney Keeley (@StoneyKeeley) April 22, 2017
Sad thing is, that’s not the weirdest thing we encountered today. Lesson learned: if you see a box labeled ‘adults only’ at a yard sale, it’s probably best to just leave it.
We walked by a booth, and neither myself nor @SoBroCadbury noticed the box. But, Poppa Bear did. He remarked, “guys – we aren’t just going to walk by an ‘adults only’ box and NOT see what’s in it.” He was absolutely right. We’re here to provide content, and that’s what we’re going to do. So, here’s how the exchange went with the older gentleman who was running the booth:
Cadbury: “What’s in the ‘adults only’ box?”
Man: “Oh I got DVDs, games..”
Stoney (interrupting): “What is an ‘adult only’ game?”
Man (rummaging through the box): “Oh, it’s down in there. Let me get y’all a bag since there’s kids around.”
Poppa Bear: “UHHH, no, no, wait – we are NOT buying this.”
Unfortunately, it was legitimate porn and I can’t post any photos here. But, we all got a solid laugh and were a little creeped out.
Hell of a spot to grab a burger and some Bongo Java if you’re ever in Watertown pic.twitter.com/BA8cIH2Cxu
— Stoney Keeley (@StoneyKeeley) April 22, 2017
We stopped at Lulu’s Cafe for burgers and fries – great joint. If you’re ever in Watertown, definitely worth stopping to check out. You can also get a cup of Bongo Java coffee there, too. We tried to do a food review on Facebook Live, but the connection was so spotty that we didn’t get anything – just one of the many things to go wrong.
After lunch, it started to pour down again, so we decided to cut our losses and head on out as vendors frantically tried to cover their inventory. Over 100 were advertised – I’d be shocked if there were actually 30 there. But, I did manage to come away with some sweet Titans merch:
My own personal haul of #Titans stuff from the Watertown yard sale. pic.twitter.com/jJsRv4Ian1
— Stoney Keeley (@StoneyKeeley) April 22, 2017
Check out my recap here:
— Stoney Keeley (@StoneyKeeley) April 22, 2017
And, of course, the prize for our random yard sale junk giveaway. We’ve had about a dozen people enter and will have Nature Boy in studio to announce the winner on Facebook Live later today.
Prize package for our random Watertown mile-long yard sale giveaway. @SirBrandonV will be in studio later to announce the winner on FB Live. pic.twitter.com/HbMu4ZjNXZ
— Stoney Keeley (@StoneyKeeley) April 22, 2017
Overall, we had some fun, but it definitely what it usually is. Don’t let this deter you from going in the future. This is a great event when the weather is nice. We may go back and try to do this again in October. We’ll see.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. A strong advocate of GSD (get shit done) and #BeBetter, he’s down to talk Tennessee Titans and Alabama Crimson Tide football over a beer any day. Check him out covering the WWE for WrestlingNews.co. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley, @WrestlingNewsCo
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