Link to buy – There aren’t too many fans of the jean shorts (or Jorts for all you thugs). But these right here look to be worth every penny. I don’t see any moose knuckles, so not too snug on your nut sac. I mean, a man has got to breathe!
I don’t doubt you could go run in the park, or perhaps ride a motorbike off a bridge in pure comfort. Being plain never goes out of style. Plus, who needs fancy if you are just seeking to get a little sunshine on them thighs?
But tattooed legs disgust me.
Gorgeous Boyd went to Fashion Week once in Savannah, Georgia in 1992. After falling in love with the world of fashion, he would go on to work for 20 years at Dillard’s. Now, he’s brought his passion for fashion to The SoBros Network.
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