Straight Forward Fashion: Women’s Betmar Flower Beret True Red

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Link to buy – Is anyone else thinking graceful here? Red is the color of love, and I dare you not to fall in love with this! I can’t even imagine how the designer got those fresh flowers on there, but they liven up an already extravagant piece.

You’re probably wondering what you could possibly wear with this beauty.  But hush them lips! What you should be asking is what would you not wear this with! Envision yourself with this cloth-made ruby laying on your head, while riding a badass Westport Adult Folding Tricycle and three Virginia Slims cigs hanging out of your mouth.

Welcome to being cool, my friends.


Gorgeous Boyd went to Fashion Week once in Savannah, Georgia in 1992. After falling in love with the world of fashion, he would go on to work for 20 years at Dillard’s. Now, he’s brought his passion for fashion to The SoBros Network. 

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