Deer readers,
My name is manny ramirez fan on this article to protect my real identity. In the mean time, I have a real job that rechoirs me to not let anyone kno who I am, but if you’re reading Daryl,, what’s up.
it really chaps my ass when people want socialism. i just think thats’ not the way our country was built on. you know like i dont think george washington crossed all of Delaware just to give everyone a biscuit. because it was the Cilvil War. no, folks George Washington crossed Delaware so that he could shoot the racists and abolish slavery.
Thats the kind of freedom that all of are America was built on the foundation to.
butt now its the year 2017 and george Washington is nowhere to be seen. Hes dead and now that hes dead people are trying to attack the very fiber of America’s bean.
The latest affender of this is the National Hockey League. i just heard about this expansion draft nonsense. first of all, i wish they would announce these kinds of things in enough advance for the fans and righters like myself to antiquately prepair for it.
second of all, this whole thing is socialistic an nature. like i said up above, that is just not what United States is about. we dont work all are lifes just to hand over the keys to the castle to all the homeless people.
Nore should the NHL to allow a gambling team of degenerate prostitutes that live in a dessert to just take players off of other teams rosters. Maybe its because i think half the nhl is in canada were i think socialism is okay. but regardless, the other have is IN AMERICA. SO GET WITH THE PROGRAM.
im not the type of guy to put a problem on your plate without a solution too so i got it.
they should just give the Vegas Golden Nights all of the first picks in the first round. then, theyd build a team without taking all of the others teams good players. thats fair and not scholastic.
Are favorite Spring sports are just blowing it this year. The NBA was so boring and the NHL is socialism. i just dont no what to think anymore about sports.
Manny Ramirez Fan is the Opinion Columnist for SoBros Network. He is single, loves full-bodied red wine, and is free most Tuesdays if you want to date a famous journalist.
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