Nashville Power Rankings: Week 5

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Nashville – we’re back for Week 5 of the SoBros Network’s Nashville Power Rankings. As journalists, we have the story of a city to tell, and we’re hammering it out one week at a time.

The dust has settled since the city exploded with excitement over the Nashville Predators, CMA Fest, and Bonnaroo last week. It was a strange feeling walking into town on Monday morning only to hear the quiet rumbling of a usual work day in Nashville. Just hours before, dozens of thousands of people flooded Broadway for the biggest party of the year. Now, it’s back to the routine.

If you have a submission for this column, feel free to DM us on Facebook or Twitter, or shoot us an e-mail at because we’re still too cheap to pay for e-mail hosting.

Week in Review

Story of the Week: Just gonna drop this here….

In case you missed it, last week was a wild ass week.

Blue Collar Badass of the Week: James Neal – Neal played for a fucking month WITH A BROKEN HAND. And, he played pretty damn well to boot. I know it’s hockey, and a lot of guys play hurt, but a broken hand? When your hands are pretty important to the game you play? Yeah, that’s clutch. Salute to you, #18.

Shout out: Brandon Gnetz – Brandon’s a friend of the site, better known as the content machine for’s WWE brand and the architect of the heralded, barrel-of-fun Over The Ropes Podcast. I collaborated with him on a column throughout the summer of 2016, and since, he’s become a great guy to bounce ideas off of, or maybe simplier (that’s a word. I just invented it) put, a creative genius.

That’s not why he gets this spot, though. He gets this spot this week because he had a STELLAR week of delivering the laughs via the Twitter.

To summarize:

Keep up the good work. Fight the good fight, my man.

SoBros Nashville Story of the Week: We’re known for asking the important questions…such as, “Has Tim McGraw’s body been taken over by an alien?

Step Your Game Up

Kendall Wright – Yeesh. I don’t know why #13 thought it was necessary, but he completely threw shade at the Tennessee Titans this week. I have a hard time disagreeing with his assessment of the situation, though. I mean, of course I’m not in the room. I’m just a shitty comedy blogger, but it did seem like he just wasn’t a good fit with the Titans for whatever reason. The guy has a lot of talent if he can stay healthy. If you harbor such feelings, it’s probably just best to put it behind you and move on, though. His comments have rubbed quite a few people in the city the wrong way.

White Castle – I don’t know if this is a Nashville thing or not, but have we jumped the shark with Nashville hot chicken??? Like I said, maybe it’s because we live here…we have actual Nashville hot chicken…delicious Nashville hot chicken…but, now you’re seeing gimmicky entrees pop up all over the place. This week, I found out White Castle was getting in on the trend (even though the news is like a month old, oh well. #BlogLife). And, boy – did they get it all wrong or what?

The Guy Running Naked Downtown – Full story here. Listen – I’m not here to pass judgment on anyone. I’ve been on many the nude run myself, but I think you have to pick your spot better, sir. Maybe not downtown Nashville – that’s all I’m saying. #BeBetter

On to the Rankings

5. Rubber Rooster the first time a member of our own team made the list. But, she had a killer week. She’s working on a huge feature on the band Ghost B.C., but she got to meet lead singer Papa Emeritus when the band was in town playing Bridgestone. Dressed as a nun, she was a huge hit with the fans, and as a result blew up the SoBros Slack with photos and stories.

And, there’s your weekly reminder that you will literally see anything in this blog.

4. Rain – It was a good week for rain in Nashville, as it basically felt like this all week:

3. Mount Juliet Police – Strong showing this week by the boys in blue out in the town I grew up in:

That’s called “community” folks.

2. Johnathan Cyprien – Earlier this week, Pro Football Focus dropped a tweet citing Johnathan Cyprien was one of the three highest-graded Titans in 2016. And, damn, people – you’ve told me enough, “he didn’t play for the Titans in 2016.” I KNOW – but shit, he played and he earned a grade. He is now a Titan…can you not see how this works?

Anyway, I supported this addition from day one, and when I announced that to the echo chamber that is social media, people showed up in droves to tell me how stupid it was and how awful Cyprien is. Well, guess what – I’m not an idiot and Cyprien grades out pretty damn well. So, yeah – took a bit of a victory lap and wrote this little piece laughing at the haters.

Not expecting much more, I logged in to the SoBros Network Twitter to see this:

I say it all the time, but these things are HUGE for a local little web site like ours. This is the easiest way to get into the Nashville Power Rankings, plain and simple. Our loyalty can totally be bought with Internet money. Might even get Cyp a nomination for “SoBro of the Year,” though Paul Heggen and Ivy the Frenchie might have something to say about that. Anyway…

#CypSquad 4 life.

1. The Nashville Predators – It’s hard. You look at what this team did for this city this Spring, and it’s hard to pinpoint one guy, so we’re going to give the #1 spot this week to the whole damn team. What a run – I know I’m not the only one who is going to remember this forever.

That’s assuming I’m alive forever. Don’t laugh – with advances in technology, I fully expect that by the time I’m 80, we’ll have figured out how to make people immortal…at which point, I will have to live forever as an 80 year old man. Anyway, I’m straying from my point. I could try and write a few words about what the past couple of months have meant, but this is supposed to be a quick-hit paragraph and our friends at Lady Preds did a much better job than I could, so just check them out here.

Go Preds.

’til next week, you stay classy, Nashville!

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. A strong advocate of GSD (get shit done) and #BeBetter, he’s down to talk Tennessee Titans and Alabama Crimson Tide football over a beer any day. Check him out covering the WWE for Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley@WrestlingNewsCo

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