This week, “Big Natural” Stoney Keeley, “Nature Boy” Brandon Vick, and Rubber Rooster break down the YUGE week for Nashville, Tennessee – the Predators are competing for the Stanley Cup, Bonnaroo is going down, and the CMA country music festival is clogging up the city.
Can the Predators pull off a win in Pittsburgh? What have been some of the best secondary stories surrounding this run? So many to choose from – you have Catfish Jake sneaking into enemy territory to chuck a catfish on the ice in Pittsburgh, all the drama of the national anthem singers, the Ryan brothers getting rowdy, balloon Pekka Rinne, etc. etc.
The group is exposed as a bunch of wusses when asked the question “what’s your best music festival story?” No shitting in tents, being puked on, or stepping on someone’s used condom. -BUT- bless their hearts, someone threw an empty beer can, showed their titties and *gasp* said a curse word…
Also, you can’t miss this installment of The Jiffy News – discussing lawnmower tornado guy, yanking kids’ teeth out in Wal-Mart, the dude who unleashed bed bugs in an office, and the woman who vowed to haunt the Edmonton Oilers after her death.
Plus, the gang is actually able to get Gorgeous Boyd, the author of our weekly fashion column, Straight Forward Fashion, on the show to talk about this hip new trend of lace outfits for men.
Just wish someone had told him you’re supposed to wear underwear with them.