Conor McGregor Just Dropped “You Can’t Read” On Floyd Mayweather

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I can’t get enough of this. Seriously, I’ve watched it at least a dozen times by now. If you’ve kept up with my work over the years, you know I’m a big Conor McGregor fan. Guy just oozes charisma – Poppa Bear said it best when he said, “McGregor belongs in the WWE after all of this is over.” He’s right.

But, this…..this was brutal. Hey, do you guys know what’s worse than being 40 years old and not knowing how to read? When someone calls you out in front of millions of people because you can’t read. Furthermore, there’s not a damn thing Mayweather can do or say in this spot because he can’t fucking read. You would think the guy would put in a little time to shake that reputation, but no. No, he has something more important than the ability to read: $400 million.

As usual, McGregor was simply flawless – insulted the way Mayweather dresses and his school bag. It was all a setup for the “you can’t read” bomb.

Now, I’m calling it. McGregor is 2-0 in these press conferences. But, I have to admit this is pretty funny:

I’m also still holding firm that Mayweather is going to mop the floor with McGregor. But, I can’t turn my eyes away. I just hope everyone realizes that this is the main source of entertainment here. Like, the press conferences, the WWE-style promos, and the buildup are going to be the best part of this whole event.

To read why I think McGregor won press conference #1, click here.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. A strong advocate of GSD (get shit done) and #BeBetter, he’s down to talk Tennessee Titans and Alabama Crimson Tide football over a beer any day. Check him out covering the WWE for Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley@WrestlingNewsCo

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