Deer readers,
My name is manny ramirez fan on this article to protect my real identity. In the mean time, I have a real job that requiress me to not let anyone kno who I am, but if you’re reading Daryl,, what’s up.
i been watching a lot of videos with the kids these days and those fidget spinners. And i think it’s safe to say that fidget spinning is here to stay. A lot of what the kids are doing is just fads and crazes, but this one seems to be sticking around. Adults are now doing it to and when the adults get a hole of something it usually means a product is here to stay. adults have money to spend on products so when products get that money from adults thats how you make a business. simple and cut and dry.
but youll know me – Manny Ramirez Fan…always a little behind the times lol cause im a older man. i dont understand whats so great about it but im willing to give everything a shot. just wante to understand it better. so hince the videos.
well i came across this picture when i one time was trying to figure out what a fidget spinner actually was:
we all know its illegal to put fake things on the internet. So i reached out to EA sports to see if this was legit or not. They have not got back to me, but im sure that this is real. And it bags the question is fidget spinning a sport?
what do we consider sports? immediately stuff like baseball basketball football and bowling comes to mind. but what do we say about skateboarding?
what about racecar driving? i think theres a bigger question here and that question is what is a competition and what is a sport?
is something a sport just because its a competition? is something a competition just because its a sport?
these are the important diffrentiaters of thsi question. where we stand on that is going to define how we answer that question. do you have to be a athlete to play poker? no but its a heated competition and people sweat. so maybe it is a sport? same with nascar. same with even video games.
ultimately, i think its a answer is simple. if its a competition and you sweat, that makes it a sport. so theereticly, fidget spinning is a sport. book and case closed.
Manny Ramirez Fan is the Opinion Columnist for SoBros Network. He is single, loves full-bodied red wine, and is free most Tuesdays if you want to date a famous journalist.
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