First and foremost, I would like to introduce myself. I am a mother of three, two girls (eight and two) and a boy (two months). I am a wife of a little over a year (we’ve been together for six). I am a customer service representative in the health insurance call center world. I am the ex-wife of my oldest’s “awesome” (insert eye roll) father, my mother-in-law’s favorite (and only) daughter-in-law, a little sister, a daughter, a cousin, a niece, an aunt, a granddaughter, a BAMA fan, and a lover of sea turtles.
I list all of these labels because I believe that, at some point (even though “they” say not to label yourself), everyone should embrace and love them. I love all of my labels. They make my life interesting (and as you will find out shortly, entertaining). This piece is a little long, but hang in there and stick with it, I promise this won’t happen again. It is definitely going to be worth it.
Now, let me introduce the most important label in my life: MOTHER. My oldest (we will call her “M”) is an eight year old little girl, who loves all things that little girls that age love. She loves to sing, dance (that resembles a seizure or a stroke), read, play soccer, and her favorite, annoy the piss out of her little sister. She is the product of my first marriage. To say the least, the ex-wife life has been interesting. Her dad and I do not speak, his mother mediates for him. But, before I get off in that direction, lets get back to “M”.
She is very loud, and, for lack of better terms, enthusiastic about everything. DRAMA is definitely her major I can already tell. She is spoiled and that has proven to be the hardest thing in the world to break her of. My husband (we will call him “Hubs”) has been around since she was two years old and we moved in with him when she was five. The very day we moved in she started calling him daddy on her own. She knew then and knows now that he couldn’t love her anymore if he had created her himself.
My middle child (we will call her “G”), what can I say about “G”….. OOOOOOHHHHH LAWD! She is two, almost three. She is the apple of her daddy’s eye. The most beautiful two year old you have ever seen. She can carry on a conversation like a grown person very clearly. She is smarter than any two year old should be. ABC’s: she’s got them, numbers 1-10: down pat, colors: yep, shapes: no problem. She can almost spell her name. She loves sports of all kinds. She loves her some ROLL TIDE. She’s daddy’s best friend and fishing buddy. She wants for nothing, if mom and dad say no, go ask the grandparents or her Uncle P. They are all wrapped.
My baby (we will call him “Little E”): our last second, last chance, quick decision to try again (because we were so done having kids two months before when I bought a Kia Soul). Mommy’s boy already at two months old. He will let daddy hold him for maybe 10 minutes, but then its back to mama. So far, he has shown very little personality, so what is there to say about a baby that young except he shits his pants and cries when he is hungry.
Now, on to the next most important label of my life, WIFE: My husband is a big ball of unpredictability. He will burst into song or dance at any time. He is the biggest ROLL TIDE and Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan I have ever seen. He can quote just about any movie out there, and honestly we communicate in movie quotes A LOT. He is the greatest father ever. The girls adore him. I can not tell you how many times I have walked into my house from work to discover a dance party going down in my kitchen. He is absolutely the love of my life, even though some days I would like to strangle him. We are perfect for each other. That old saying you may have heard about marrying someone just like your mother/father is completely true. He is my father made over and I like to think that his mom and I share some similarities.
I plan to give you readers a slight inside look at this crazy life. I hope it brings you a comedic break to life as it does for me. I hope you guys enjoy!
Mama C is a mother of 3, wife, lover of Bama football and sea turtles. Follow her on Twitter: @SoBrosMamaC
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