Nashville Power Rankings: Week 14

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Nashville – we’re back for Week 13 of the SoBros Network’s Nashville Power Rankings. As journalists, we have the story of a city to tell, and we’re hammering it out one week at a time.


If you have a submission for this column, feel free to DM us on Facebook or Twitter, or shoot us an e-mail at because we’re still too cheap to pay for e-mail hosting.

The Week In Review

Story of the Week: I know everyone’s going to talk about the NFL protests, but let’s not lose sight of what’s really important. Senator Bob Corker announced that he will not seek re-election. The man has been serving Tennessee since 1942, I’m pretty sure, so you’ll understand why this is such big news. Also, apparently people really think Peyton Manning is going to run. But, he’s since denied that.

Blue Collar Badass of the Week: Our hearts go out to the victims of the church shooting in Antioch last Sunday. Caleb Engle stepped up in a big way, at a time when many people’s instincts say to run, and prevented further loss of life at this tragedy. The young man is just 22 years old, had been pistol-whipped, but still went to grab his gun and return to the building to stop the shooter. I can’t even imagine. I’m at a total loss for words, but it’s people like Mr. Engle that are really positive forces in a world that seems bent on unraveling. He issued a statement, asking all to pray for healing. You can find more here. Our site is largely an escape from the real world, but even we have to pay tribute to this man’s courage and bravery.

SoBros Story of the Week: We finally gave up and weighed in on the NFL protest issue…check it out here.

Step Your Game Up

Josh Breslow and Jared Plushnick  – So, as many of you know, #BoycottWSMV is still in full effect as Paul Heggen still isn’t on WSMV mornings. Well, I’ve been spending my mornings watching WKRN, and on Wednesday, something unbelievable happened on my TV that made me say, “fellas. STEP. Y’ALL. DAMN. GAME. UP.

Boys. I don’t even know where to begin. First of all, Jared is cheating….you can clearly see his fingers press in on the middle of the can. That ain’t his forehead doing the crushing. And, Josh…Josh….my man….Josh…that was the weakest effort I’ve ever seen.

They’ll say they couldn’t assume the proper technique because they still had to be on television for an hour, but still – you have to know better than to put yourself in a position to subpar-ly crush a can on your face.

I’m embarrassed. If you guys need someone to show you how to crush a can on your forehead, just let me know.

Metro – You’ve got to be kidding me. It looks like the lights at Jellystone Park will not be back for Christmas this year because of zoning permits and traffic accommodations.

On to the Rankings

5. Rishard Matthews – How about the Titans wide receiver stepping up this week and offering to donate $75,000 to organizations in oppressed communities? This is a huge positive to come out of what has otherwise been a very negative story no matter which side of the issue you reside on.

4. Officer James Eure – We’ve all been there before. As a young man, you just can’t figure out how to get your damn tie tied. Well, thankfully, there are strong individuals in the world willing to help when called upon. Courtesy of News Channel 5:

A Clarksville police officer stepped in to help when a mother flagged him down to help her son tie his tie.

The teen was getting ready for prom when he and his mother realized neither knew how to tie a tie.

The mother ran out and flagged down Officer James Eure, who helped him.

Police said the woman later sent the following message to the department’s Facebook page.


3. The Menus at Preds Games – My goodness, take a look at some of the new menu items available at Preds games this season. Chicken fried chicken burgers, hot chick mac and cheese, catfish tacos, turkey meatloaf burger, and the ‘Western Conference Champ hot dog, which is loaded with brisket…I’m sorry, is that my stomach growling?

2. Harvest Fest – Courtesy of The Tennessean:

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, and Cheatham County will do its part to bring the issue to light at the second annual Harvest Fest, a fundraiser sponsored by Tri-Star Ashland City Medical Center. Proceeds from the event will go to Courtney’s House, a women and children’s shelter, which is part of Safe Haven Cheatham County.

The fundraiser takes place at Riverbluff Park Oct. 14 from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Guests can receive information on domestic violence assistance and Safe Haven, enjoy a bite to eat from food trucks and do a little shopping from the vendors.  Live music will also be on site.

And, in case we haven’t made our position crystal clear on this blog: fuck domestic violence.

1. The Corsair Brewstillery – If you’re so inclined, take the time to read our experience at the Corsair Brewstillery last Friday night. It’s a haven for whiskey and beer lovers alike. We even tried some absinthe, but it wasn’t the same shit Edgar Allan Poe drank. Was reaaaaaally hoping we’d all be trippin’ balls by the time we wrapped up the tasting, but it was not the case. I’m still thinking about that black pepper saison, though.

’til next week, you stay classy, Nashville!

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Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. A strong advocate of GSD (get shit done) and #BeBetter, he’s down to talk Tennessee Titans and Alabama Crimson Tide football over a beer any day. Check him out covering the WWE for Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley@WrestlingNewsCo

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