Bosnian Fans Are Handling the World Cup Qualifying Loss Well – Just Kidding, They Set the Field on Fire

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Bosnian fans are really showing the United States how to handle a loss with class and grace. On Tuesday, Trinidad and Tobago bounced the U.S. from World Cup qualifying. I think that’s just two dudes, by the way….Trinidad and Tobago….I’ve never heard of ’em.

Anyway, fans are outraged. They’re calling for people to lose their jobs. They’re talking about U.S. soccer is nothing more than mediocrity and our country doesn’t allocate resources to soccer. Honestly, it’s all a bit outrageous. The people in this country that know soccer exists should really calm down. I say they should look to the fans in Bosnia to learn how to properly respond to such a loss.

Just kidding:

Bosnian fans burned the pitch after their team failed to qualify for the World Cup! @matkolm

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You know what, I like this. This is a lot better than trying to call in to sports talk shows, make long whiny social media posts, or come up with some sort of derogatory hashtag. You get upset, how about you just set the fucking field on fire? That’s a fan base saying, “mediocrity will not be tolerated, and we will put your life in danger out of disapproval.”

It’s also a much more impactful statement than burning a jersey. That just makes you look like a bitch. A small, contained fire in your backyard somewhere is not going to be received as seriously as causing a large fire at a crowded public event. Probably less dangerous, and will definitely put you in a Bosnian prison, but most definitely less impactful. So, kudos to Bosnian fans for really reminding the world of what swings between their legs.

Bottom line: I’ll bet you anything Bosnia thinks twice before they go and lose a game again. Actually, I’m going to call my shot now: Bosnia, undefeated, all the way to a 2022 World Cup.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. A strong advocate of GSD (get shit done) and #BeBetter, he’s down to talk Tennessee Titans and Alabama Crimson Tide football over a beer any day. Check him out covering the WWE for Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley@WrestlingNewsCo

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