We’re supposed to trust the authorities. I get it. I don’t typically question that, as I don’t truly believe anyone’s trying to push an agenda that would lead to the harm of the general public. Some people might believe that, and I would say that’s their prerogative, but it just ain’t me. Still, I’m a pretty reasonable man. When things don’t add up, I will be the first to chirp about it. So, when police in Brentwood say, “it’s fine, guys…really,” when there’s a pig on the loose….well, I’m just little skeptical.
Police have responded to reports of a pig on the loose twice in the last few days, said Assistant Chief Tommy Walsh.
Most recently, a motorist reported seeing the pig Monday morning on Turnbridge Drive, just minutes from the pig’s home on the 9700 block of Concord Road, according to Walsh.
“We don’t have the ability to capture an animal like that,” Walsh said. “I think a little after 7 a.m., the owner got it.”
Brentwood residents need not worry about the pig.
The pet pig poses no danger to the public — unless it’s on the road, Walsh said.
This is EXACTLY what they’d say if the pig WAS a danger to the public. This is like if the zombie apocalypse happened, the government wouldn’t tell us because they wouldn’t want everyone to go into full on panic mode. They’d just want us to turn into zombies in an orderly fashion.
So, based on those deductive reasoning skills, I think it’s actually safe to say this pig could represent the coming of the zombie apocalypse. That’s not far-fetched.
Like I said, I’m not typically paranoid. I’m not usually the guy that’s going to reach on things like this, but I’m just saying. If I saw that pig in the wild, I’m going Daryl Dixon on the sumbitch and putting an arrow through its head.
Would hate for Nashville to become ground zero for the Walking Dead just because some pig got loose.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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