The Bludgeon Brothers recently debuted on WWE’s Smackdown Live, and I, for one, love every fucking thing about this gimmick. I mean, it’s basically just Luke Harper and Erick Rowan in different outfits, but carrying giant hammers. If it leads to a gigantic run as Smackdown Tag Team Champions, I’m all in. I still say Harper is the most criminally underrated guy on the roster, and Rowan…he….he has a cool mask (sorry, I’m not ready to forgive the Stairs Match against Big Show). My point is that these guys deserve to finally get some real shine.
Well, at this point, the gimmick is just getting its feet wet. They’ve got a big dance with Breezango set for Sunday’s Clash of Champions pay-per-view. Last night, they beat the shit out of a couple of jobbers (shout out to Colin Delaney in case you didn’t recognize that was him), but this one guy has wrestling Twitter buzzing:
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I really do wish we ran the SHWF (Stoney’s House Wrestling Federation) in the prime age of YouTube so that you guys would be able to watch that shit. But, you’ll just have to take my word on this. This is about how Vader Vick sold everything. It was great – nobody was a greater heel in the SHWF, and no one sold like our very own Nature Boy. So, this brings back memories.
This guy just gets pancaked, though. I mean, these guys have always been great together, but I really think this could be the thing that gets them over the top and brings those belts home with ’em. No, the gimmick is apparently not literally murdering people, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it isn’t going to work.
I’m excited to see where this thing goes, and if the WWE didn’t just fire James Ellsworth, hell, this screaming jobber might have gotten a contract.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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