We have established that we’re not gymnastics experts on this site, but tasking ourselves with being the most comprehensive sports blog in the history of planet Earth means we have to dip our toes in every now and then. Oh, and by the way, breaking news: we are going to be the most comprehensive sports blog in the history of planet Earth.
Anyway, with that spirit in mind, I bring to you fine folks today a clip of a young man practicing his gymnastics out in the backyard:
Link to video since IG took it down.
I don’t know exactly where this is taking place. Does Chernobyl have a gymnastics team? I assume this guy is training for the upcoming winter Olympics, but I didn’t think gymnastics were held in the winter time? So many questions that I’m too lazy to research right now. If anyone can answer these pressing questions for me, that would be great. Just to summarize:
- Is gymnastics on the Winter Olympics?
- Does Chernobyl have a gymnastics team?
Things you could easily Google and send over to me for review.
That’s how you know I’m a professional – I used the words “for review” instead of “for me to look at.” That’s the true mark of a professional anything.
As for this guy’s form, well, to be honest, it’s quite frankly the best I’ve ever seen. He’s incredibly fluid from start to finish, and his dismount looks like something out of a WWE ring.
But, he lands it beautifully, flat on his back. It could have broken in half, but, I could not help but stand in my living room and applaud this man for the work he’s done here.
PS. When did they re-open Chernobyl?
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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