So, let me jump on the “lets talk about bullies” train. I know that these days, society has raised a bunch of candy asses that cry if someone farts in their general direction, and that back in our day, we handled someone who was talking shit to or about us ourselves. BUT here’s my take on the current situation:
A week or so ago, I was scrolling through my Facebook feed, and in one of the groups that I am in, this lady posted a picture of her beautiful little girl who is the same age as “M.” She goes on in the post to say that the little girl has come home from school crying because some kid or kids were calling her fat. NOW LET ME MAKE THIS PERFECTLY CLEAR RIGHT NOW! I AM BY NO MEANS ATTACKING (OR WHATEVER YOU WANT TO CALL IT) THIS PERSON OR ANYONE THAT HAS DEALT WITH A SIMILAR SITUATION. This little girl was by no means fat. I immediately commented letting this woman know that this little girl is beautiful, but, harsh reality is this is how things work now. “M” has come home many times crying for the exact same reason since age four and is now eight.
Now, my take:
I do not baby her. Instead, I help her by telling her they are wrong and how to deal with a bully. This is what I too was taught growing up. Because, let’s face it, the kids today are no more mean than they were back then.
People just baby their children more now and have created a nation of snowflake sissies with their participation trophies and such. I’m not saying that America sucks at parenting now, I’m just saying that America sucks at parenting and needs to look back on how it was when they were growing up and realize the world was a better place then.
Participation trophies are great and all, but as my dad used to tell us before every softball game, “Having fun is great. That’s the key to a successful season. But, winning is the icing on the cake. And to win, you have to work hard. If we lose, that’s ok, we will celebrate all the small things we accomplished and learned along the way. But icing makes it taste so much better.”
This age of children coming up and some younger adults have obviously never learned that lesson. I’m not saying that violence is the answer, at all. There is more than one way to skin a cat, but I can tell you, I was not bullied very much. My parents can testify, if I was bullied or done wrong, it was handled and sometimes that involved a phone call saying that I laid someone’s ass out.
So, for those of you reading this, take away these points:
- Don’t be a bully.
- I am not attacking anyone.
- I am not saying anyone is raising their kids the wrong way. We all parent differently.
- I’m allowed to have opinions.
- DONT LET YOUR KID BE A CANDY ASS SNOWFLAKE SISSY. Teach them how to handle it however you see fit (preferably not crying about it.)
Mama C is a mother of 3, wife, lover of Bama football and sea turtles. Follow her on Twitter: @SoBrosMamaC
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