I’m Sorry, but This Peter Rabbit Outrage Is Hilarious

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In case you haven’t heard, big news in the world of food allergies in movies this week, as groups of people are calling for the removal of Peter Rabbit…yes, Peter Rabbit, from theaters.

Courtesy of The Telegraph UK:

Allergy UK said the film, due to be released in the UK next month, “mocks” allergy sufferers and trivialises a life-threatening condition.

Carla Jones, the charity’s chief executive, said: “Anaphylaxis can and does kill. To include a scene in a children’s film that includes a serious allergic reaction and not to do it responsibly is unacceptable.

“Mocking allergic disease shows a complete lack of understanding of the seriousness of allergy and trivialises the challenges faced by those with this condition.”

She said they expected to see a “significant response” from allergy sufferers, adding: “We will be communicating with the production company about the film’s withdrawal.”

First of all, I want to ask where the fuck these people were when Mrs. Doubtfire tried to MURDER SOMEONE who was allergic to cayenne pepper!?!?! Where’s the justice for Stu, people!?!?


Second of all, this story is incredibly meaty. There are a TON of people who are outraged about this. This wasn’t just one group or one person screaming from a mountaintop. Multiple unions of people are out there in the Internet streets demanding the movie be pulled from theaters.

I’m sorry….maybe I’m a twisted human being. But, all of this over Peter Rabbit is just hilarious to me. I’ll agree that it’s probably a bad look to knowingly murder someone by exploiting a food allergy. But, it’s Peter Rabbit. Peter. Fucking. Rabbit. Like, this is the kind of backlash the Jackass guys used to get when a stunt went way too far. That’s the kind of company I’m putting Peter Rabbit in….Peter Rabbit is the newest cast member on Jackass.

Then again, maybe Peter Rabbit has an underlying agenda we can’t even see. Peter Rabbit is trying to program murderous violence into our youth. He’s teaching children to exploit the weaknesses of others to get ahead. You want control of the garden? Just fucking murder the gardener. That’s a horrible thing to teach kids.

So, you know what? I’ve changed my mind. I am offended too. This is an outrage. I’m personally calling for the public stoning of the creators of Peter Rabbit.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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