NBA: The One and Done Debate

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This post comes to you courtesy of long time SoBros Network reader and supporter turned writer, Mystery Basketball Writer.

Here it is folks! The only opinion you’ll need about college basketball’s screwed up “One and Done” rule. If you agree with me – you probably halfway know what you’re talking about in basketball, and if you don’t agree… GTFOH!

College basketball AND the NBA need this rule settled and should’ve settled it years ago! Here’s the only option: let the NBA take the chance on high school players, and if there is no one the NBA sees as a proper prospect, they go to college for two years minimum. That’s it! PERIOD! Don’t worry, I got ya some ideas to ponder on if you think my opinion is stupid.

First, let’s look at it for the colleges and go ahead and group in fans. College coaches get to recruit and go after players who aren’t really ready for NBA. This keeps guys in the program to make their Final Four runs actually legit. Listen, I’m a realistic UK fan, but Cal is running out of options. It seems like Coach K has caught on to it as well. I mean, Coach K does have the top three high school players signed up to be at Duke next year (yeah, I’m butt hurt a little bit).

As a UK fan, I’m a little over the one and done players. I want to drink my Jack and cokes, yell at the TV, and know I get to yell at them the next year instead of trying to learn a whole new f’n roster of guys who don’t give a shit about playing in college.

Now, some of these guys have been told they are the cock of the walk, but if the NBA doesn’t take you out of high school, it may wake them up and make them actually try in college. That helps the fans! I know my liver would love it a lot more as well. Any who, back on subject.

The college game would change tremendously. I’m sure you would see the big teams still getting stacked as usual, but what happens when these top players start going to “smaller” schools to make a name for themselves and stand out? The other colleges can start recruiting with the best since they can throw the “you’ll be a starter for us” card. Just something to think about, but either way I’m right.

The competition would be better and elite teams with elite players would have to be on their toes all the time. I mean, if you think you had a great freshman year, and a new guy comes in and takes your spot… guess NBA won’t want ya!

Now for the NBA and my thoughts about them taking high school players. Again, I love the idea! I can’t imagine a LeBron James in college. What a waste of time, and I feel like I’ve seen it lately for some of these players since him. Ben Simmons should’ve never gone to LSU. That guy is legit and another freak of nature. John Wall was a waste at UK (love the guy but damn it, it felt like he didn’t care at the end). It might have helped his game some at UK but when it’s all said and done, NBA coaches and trainers could’ve done the same for him. The NBA could make dreams come true real quick for high school players but let’s not forget it is a business.

The NBA is always going to come out ahead of college. The amount of trading and money those guys are throwing around is ridiculous, so why not take chances on players that could be the next LeBron or Kobe?

There ya have it, my peeps! Let’s settle this rule on two years minimum of college if the NBA don’t want ya outta high school! It would definitely help colleges more, but at the end of the road, the NBA is still gonna get their’s.

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