If OJ Can Get Away with Murder, Why Can’t Charlie Hustle Get in the HOF?

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A week has passed and the dust has settled on the HOF induction of 2018 and I’m still not over the Pete Rose ban still not being lifted. Don’t get me wrong, I understand people are upset. But upset enough to keep the all-time hits leader out of the Hall is a whole different ballgame. He did a bad thing but he’s served his time.

I dream of a world where legends are judged by their performance on the field rather than their actions off it. Take Chipper Jones, for instance. I love the guy. Absolute, undeniable monster on the field but totes a well-documented history of infidelity. FIRST BALLOT, no-doubter. Scott Rolen became a household name with his impressively consistent bat and lights out defense. It’s no secret that he’s a Grade A asshole, but he’s allowed on the ballot.

While on the subject of who gets in and who does not, let me go on record stating, “I like my athletes like I like my vegetables: JUICED!” Science didn’t come this far for the ball to only scrape the wall. Show me a study that links steroid use to hand-eye coordination and I’ll show you my bare ass. The Bud Seligs and the Rob Manfreds of the world need to accept the fact that today’s baseball players are more appreciated than they are. Once we get that out of the way, we can get real weird, remove all PED restrictions, and let the boys of summer reach MAXIMUM POTENTIAL. Talk about a party in Cooperstown.

All that to say, yes, he accepted the ban but does stepping up to the plate and being accountable mean nothing in this day and age? MLB you’ve made your point. FREE PETEY YESTERDAY.

Dick Doyle is the Lead MLB Analyst for The SoBros Network. A former player and coach, Doyle is a firm believer in that you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Follow on Twitter: @SoBro_DickyD

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