March Madness is here (shit – is someone going to sue us for using that term?)! Scratch that – The 2018 NCAA Division I Men’s Championship Basketball Tournament of Excellence is upon us! That’s better. Anyway, it’s a big week, and I couldn’t be more pumped to have tournament action in Nashville. Am I going to be able to go to the games? Nope. Just started a new day job and have NO vacation days. Yep – for just the second time in my adult life, I’m going to miss the tourney because I’m doing actual work. But, hey – at least the Nevada Wolfpack is excited to come to Nashville. Why? Because we have Bojangles…
Courtesy of The Reno Gazette Journal:
The Wolf Pack should have a solid contingency of fans despite the long travel to get to the game. And, there’s one more bonus to Nevada drawing Nashville, according to the Martin brothers.
“We’ve already looked it up and they do have Bojangles there, so we’re excited,” Cody Martin said minutes after the tournament draw was revealed.
Bojangles Famous Chicken ’n Biscuits is a fast food chain that specializes in Cajun seasoning, fried chicken and buttermilk biscuits. It was founded in the Martins’ home state of North Carolina in 1977, but hasn’t matriculated west of Alabama. Nashville, however, has four Bojangles. It happens to be the Martin twins’ favorite fast-food joint and one of the few downsides of living in Reno, they said.
So, when was the last time the Martins got to feast on some Bojangles?
“Since a very long time,” Cody Martin said with a smile.
I don’t want to break anyone’s heart here, but uhhh….there’s a lot better food in this city than Bojangles.
I get it. Y’know – everyone has their nostalgic delicacies that remind them of home. There’s no shame in that. But, if you come to Nashville, Tennessee….one of the greatest food cities in the South…..and your first stop is Bojangles….yeah, I’m going to judge you a little bit.
I’ve been to two of the four famed Bojangles in the Nashville area, but I have yet to have a pleasant experience at a one of ’em! Overpriced fast food – that’s all it is. No offense. But, my biscuit was cold and dry. The chicken was tough and not spicy despite me ordering spicy chicken. Those big hash brown patty things were decent – a little lukewarm. But, thankfully, I have a strong imagination and I was able to taste what they would’ve tasted like if they were hot and fresh. Shout out to the strength of my brain for that one. But, for the most part, it was just terrible – please read my list, folks.
All of this, of course, I retract if Bojangles wants to buy some advertising here on SoBros Network – e-mail us at
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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