If This Preds-Jets Series Doesn’t Lead to a Rusev Vs. Chris Jericho Rivalry, Then What Are We Even Doing Here?

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For the better part of two years, Rusev served as the King of New Nashville (that is, before the people spoke and dethroned him earlier this year in favor of Taylor Lewan). He remains a favorite of the community, as many Nashvillians do indeed partake in Rusev Day every time the heralded holiday rolls around. Rusev and his wife, Lana, have been spotted at several Nashville Predators games and have been known to hype the crowd up on occasion.

Likewise, future WWE Hall of Famer, and my personal favorite wrestler of all time, Chris Jericho, has been known to don those beautiful Jets sweaters from time to time. Big Jets fan, and I dare say he looks every bit as stylish as Rusev supporting his team. There’s no denying that there’s a lot of charisma and handsome between these two beasts.

Well, it’s time for the teams of these two WWE superstars to square off on the ice. Preds-Jets kicks off Friday night in Smashville at 7PM CST.

The series is going to be rather intense as there’s already heat (that’s a wrestling term – get it? ‘Cause I’m writing about wrestlers) between the Preds and the Jets. It’s developed into quite the nice little rivalry this season. Many say this is the de facto Western Conference Championship, but I say don’t sleep on Vegas. Regardless, it’s the matchup everyone wants to see on the ice, and I say it needs to lead to a matchup in the squared circle.

Could you imagine the old school wrestling feel? Jericho’s in tights and a Jets sweater. Rusev’s in tights and a Preds sweater. Both men fighting for the honor of their hockey team. Maybe even make it a Flag Match and have both teams’ banners ready to raise. I don’t think WWE is coming to either city soon, but this would be YUGE at a house show. Not to mention, the promos! Two guys who can melt a microphone like warm butter, and they’re fighting for the honor of their hockey clubs. Folks, that’s enough electricity to power a small town in Tennessee.

But, I get it – there are logistics to consider. It’s not like Vince McMahon is watching the NHL (or NBA) playoffs and thinking, “How can we capitalize on these matchups? Which wrestlers can fight for these hockey teams?” Or, maybe he is – shit, I don’t know how Vince McMahon thinks. My point is that yeah – it could be hard to pull this off in short order, and I would never expect anyone to actually considering it. I’m simply pointing out a golden opportunity. But, come on, guys – it’s not going to hurt anyone to get a little Twitter beef going.

Consider this an official challenge to either man to cast the first Twitter stone.

At the very least, I hope the two have some sort of ridiculous bet going. If the Preds win, Jericho has to eat that fish Rusev gave Summer Rae a few years ago. If the Jets win, Rusev has to serve as one of Fozzy’s roadies for a couple months. But, that only happens if both of these guys get the message.

Despite Jericho’s spot as my favorite wrestler of all time, I’d have to put that aside to root for Rusev and the Preds. But, in a Rusev-Jericho feud over hockey, we’re really all winners. Make it happen, Internet.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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