The Music City (that’s Nashville, Tennessee, folks) is a magical place. If you’ve ever experienced a Saturday night on Broadway, then you don’t need any further explanation. That also applies if you’ve ever walked down Broadway or 2nd Avenue early on a Sunday morning before they can hose all the puke, urine, and semen out of the street.
Anyway, props to Rick Merritt for acting quick and getting a Nashville moment of a lifetime on film for the Twitterverse. And, be sure to go follow Rick on Twitter. Dude is a gem of the city.
— Big Rick Merritt (@R1ckterScale) June 3, 2018
Oh, those Nashville nights. Not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure. I can remember walking into McFadden’s on 2nd and seeing people bone right on the leather sofas. Hence the reason I very seldom sit on community-use sofas in large sketch ass bars.
But, this is just right out there in the middle of the fuckin’ street, like it ain’t nothing. This woman has been overcome by the spirit of Broadway and doesn’t care who knows it.
I wish we had a little more context for this, though, because this guy is not into it at all. He’s on his phone, he’s standing firm (and no, that’s not a boner joke. He’s just not even responding to this woman’s touch), and it’s as if he can’t even feel it.
Hell, maybe he can’t feel anything.
We’ve all had those nights downtown before. You get together with some buddies for “a few drinks,” and the next thing you know, you’re little more than a floating conscience in a spinning room with no concept of time.
But, hey – this is the side of Nashville you’re not going to see in all the hokey tourism commercials. You won’t get this kind of action at the Florida-Georgia Line show. This is hardcore, off-the-books Nashville. This is for the people out there each and every weekend.
Maybe this is what we should be promoting, though. “Visit Music City – get a handy right in the middle of the street. Just be careful, ’cause it’s probably going to be through the jeans.”
Watch tourism skyrocket.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley
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