French Man Celebrates World Cup Win by Belly Flopping Concrete

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Man, y’all wanted to give Philly a hard time after they damn near burnt the city to the ground after the Eagles won the Super Bowl. But, holy hell – the French are out there seeing it and raising the stakes after beating Croatia to win the World Cup last Sunday. It looks like a veritable war zone over there.

Now, don’t get me wrong – I’m all for it. You can bet your sweet ass that if the Titans ever win the Super Bowl, if the Preds ever win the Stanley Cup, or if Rusev wins the WWE Championship, you’ll find my body floating in the Cumberland the next morning!

Still, gotta say I’m impressed with how hard the French party. Running through the streets half naked, lighting fireworks and smoke bombs, climbing street poles, etc.. Then, you have this insane bastard jumping out of a tree.

YOOOOOOO! MY MAN! Applause all around from this team. Definitely admire the grit and determination here. It looked like this dude was skydiving and forgot to pull the chord on his parachute. This was like Shawn Michaels jumping off the ladder and crashing down on Razor Ramon.

Just pure raw faith and athleticism on display. It’s just a shame that no one was really there

Yeah, NO ONE was there for this guy. Look at him pop right up after smacking off the concrete lookin’ around like, “y’all motherfuckers.” I don’t know how you say that in French, but this guy was definitely saying it as he was choking up on his broken ribs.

This really was like watching an old backyard wrestling tape. Guy has no idea what he’s doing and just going for the full-on send. Only thing missing was a Slipknot shirt and a pair of JNCOs.

No one summed it up better than WILL_I_AM, though:

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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