SoBros Network loves to analyze real problems and issues concerning not just the Nashville community but the entire United States. We dive into significant first world problems. A catastrophe concerning President Trump feeding hamberders to Clemson players? Hundreds of highly paid journalists are covering this Earth shattering news. Or maybe the better way to put it—real news.
Government shutdown forced President Trump to get creative with catering food to Clemson football players during their White House trip following their 2019 College Football Championship victory. President Trump fed the team an allotment of their favorite fast food choices.
Among those choices: hamberders.
This tweet was later modified to correct hamberders to hamburgers.
President Trump is a lot like the average American citizen: he gets so excited about his hamberders and covfefe that he carelessly misspells it. He’s human.
You know who else makes mistakes? The media. Watch as this news anchor mispronounces the name for former Louisville Metro Police Officer Deidre Mengedoht.
The media making a mega boo-boo? Granted, I can’t tell if that was the news anchor attempting to say the name after seeing it for the first time or a teleprompter error. Remember when Former President Barack Obama claimed that the United States had 57 states? There are 57 member states of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation.
Shit happens. No harm, no foul. It’s a good thing that artificial intelligence will never make any mistakes.
Traditional and social media pundits are raging over this. How dare he misspell a word! How could a billionaire president feed his guests with such low quality food? Couldn’t he have at least fed them Chick-fil-A or another higher quality fast food? The players should’ve only been given vegetarian or vegan options! He’s poisoning our elite youth! Always criticize, never express gratefulness!
Critics hated it. Players appeared to love it. Freshman quarterback Trevor Lawrence claimed the meal was awesome. Reports indicated that they ate all the food.
College students enjoying McDonald’s, Domino’s, and other fast food venues? Not the least bit surprising. My high school through college years lasted from 2001 through 2009. Pizza parties were adored. I can’t imagine any high school or college students not participating in at least one of those events.
We’re talking about men in their upper-teens, early-20s. They’re young and innocent at heart. They haven’t yet been brainwashed into becoming overly critical about everything. Many of these players came from low-income families. Fast food night was their version of gourmet food. Just like most people in this country.
The media has largely become the boy who cries wolf. They’ve cried wolf on so many nonsensical topics that they’re discredited whenever they make legitimate points. Serving college students junk food falls under nonsensical topics that set ablaze our Fake News Internet World. Meanwhile, back at the Real World…
I agree, Peter Griffin. And that comes from someone who rarely eats fast food. I’d love to know where are all these perfectly healthy eaters that flood social media. Everyone in the real world just looks at me like I’m a sociopath while I’m eating my quinoa, legumes, millet, tuna, eggs, fruit smoothies, and fruity meth (energy powders). Nearly everyone I’ve known would consider what President Trump offered to Clemson players as a meal fit for Heaven with Jesus Christ sitting at the dinner table.
…I expected this piece to come out better. In 10 years of content writing, this is probably the second-worst article I’ve ever written only to that Blake Bortles piece that essentially jinxed his career to damnation. I just can’t believe college students eating hamberders has become headline news. Like, people are really gonna act shocked over common sense?
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Joshua Huffman was born and edumacated in Middle Tennessee. He has published content for Yahoo! Sports (via Contributor Network) and Titan Sized, among other venues. At SoBros, he’ll provide Daily Fantasy Sports suggestions and broad sports coverage. Follow him on Twitter (although I rarely use it).
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