3 out of 5 stars
A trilogy that we didn’t know we needed comes to a close with M. Night Shyamalan‘s latest strange thriller where extraordinary beings exist outside of comic book pages. He still has the power to put his own unique spin on heroes vs. villains; but, the cracks become quite visible when the suspense once felt has faded and Shyamalan demonstrates enormous difficulty in trying to tie all of his loose ends up for one spectacular conclusion.
As director/writer/producer, Shyamalan makes us believers through his 19 year journey with these characters he obviously loves. Nothing else compares to his very grounded, equally fascinating approach to superhero mythology – and that’s saying something. And the way his story comes full circle with the creation of these three men will strike a chord with anyone who has seen Unbreakable and Split. The emotional richness in these character’s arcs is undeniable as they are interlaced with a deeper meaning of becoming who you’re meant to be.
At the same time, this elaborate sequel is the weakest of the bunch. For all that Shyamalan gets right – and there’s quite a bit – the final showdown is too much all at once. With so many years of build-up, finishing by being anti-climactic and unfulfilling is far from ideal. But, if you want twists – you got’em! Just don’t expect them to be as impressive as they once were.
Make no mistake, there are assuredly signs of greatness and this includes the two exciting performances from James McAvoy and Samuel L. Jackson. Jackson is fantastic as the brittle-boned mastermind that sees the full potential in an individual – and that’s not necessarily a good thing. McAvoy is electric, capturing and instantly flipping from one personality to another. He’ll leave you in awe.
“Nature Boy” Brandon Vick is the resident film critic of the SoBros Network, and star of Brandon’s Box Office In Your Mouth. Follow him on Twitter@SirBrandonV and be sure to search #VicksFlicks for all of his latest movie reviews.
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