This Buzzfeed Quiz About Nashville Is Bullshit

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Take the quiz here. “Spend A Day In Nashville And Find Out Which “The Office” Character You Are” – what on Earth does this even mean? What is it about these Buzzfeed quizzes that draws people in? I mean, why do I care what Office character I am, and what does it mean that you can discern that information from me answering some questions about Nashville? Also, it’s kind of bogus. Like, some of the questions don’t have answers that a grizzled and jaded Nashville native would answer honestly, y’know?

Why? WHY BUZZFEED WHY?! Who thinks, “you know what? I bet we can tell which character from The Office someone is based on how they answer these questions about Nashville?”

Also, I got Jim:

Okay, I’m not as mad anymore. I always liked Jim. Felt like we probably would’ve been bros. But, how did we get here? How did Nashville get here?

Also, guilty – yes….I’m aware I’m railing on Buzzfeed quizzes and the ideals of the ‘that’s so Nashville’ mindset. This is bullshit, and I can’t believe I fell for it. But, that’s the power that Buzzfeed holds over society. None of us want to know this information. We certainly don’t need it. But, we can’t help ourselves. If cocaine is illegal, Buzzfeed should be illegal, too.

I’m going to make some suggestions here because I think I can be a valuable resource if we’re just making shit up like this connection between Nashville and The Office:

  • Read all the Harry Potter books and we’ll tell you which 70s sitcom you belong on.
  • Travel to San Diego and find out which pizza topping you are.
  • Rate these 90s fashion styles to figure out which former U.S. President you are.
  • Know your European history? We can tell you what color Pontiac Aztek you should buy.
  • Answer these questions about Bigfoot to find out which ice cream flavor you are.

See? I can Buzzfeed, too. Hire me.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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