Podcast: How Will Jon Snow’s Revelation Go Over With Daenerys?

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“The General” John Mosley and Rubber Rooster were kind enough to join me for a special presentation of The SoBros Network. We’re talkin’ Game of Thrones, y’all, and there’s plenty to discuss between Jon, Daenerys, Cersei, the Night King, and all of Westeros in between!

First and foremost, the big revelation – Jon Snow now knows that he is Aegon Targaryen, the legitimate heir to the Iron Throne. What does he do with this information? Does his desire NOT to be king lead him to keep this hush-hush? Or, does he explore the idea of taking his rightful place on the throne? Even if he tries to keep it a secret, does Bran/Sam try to out him?

Also, why isn’t Daenerys getting over well in Winterfell? Is it just because northerners don’t like outsiders? Or, could people still be holding ill will towards that last name of hers? Is Sansa right to not trust her? How will she react to the news of Jon’s true heritage?

Then, there’s Cersei – what the hell is she up to? Is this truly strategy? Or, is she just being vindictive, and is ready to watch the world burn? Why did she send Bronn to assassinate Jaime and/or Tyrion should they survive the war? Is her prophecy still in play?

The Night King has passed through The Last Hearth, meaning he and his army are only about a day from Winterfell – how do Jon and Dany get their armies ready for this?

Plus, we talk about that awkward stare down between Jaime and Bran, Sam’s reaction to Dany setting his family on fire, our favorite reunions from this episode, and make our predictions as to who ends the series on the Iron Throne.

Also, we’ll be doing these recaps (maybe even previews) throughout this season – if you’re interested in jumping on and talking Thrones with me, hit me up on Twitter and I’ll bring you on!

LISTEN to the full episode here:

Check out my full recap on the episode here. Check out the SoBros Network podcast archives here.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Alabama Crimson Tide football, the WWE, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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