I can’t lie. After hitting up the rainy NFL Draft on Thursday, I felt like wet, hot garbage Friday and into Saturday morning. Did I want to kick back and watch Marvel movies? Yes. Was I gonna miss the Scenic City Showdown? Hell no. So, Haley and I loaded up for Chatt-Town with as much energy as possible for someone that stood in the rain for a couple of hours surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people just a couple of days earlier. Y’all know the SoBros motto by now…LFG.
Kevin Ku vs. Benjamin Carter – We got started off with a gem of a matchup. Ku is the personification of violence while Carter really likes to fly around. I mean, literally, as he flew over the top rope at one point getting a proverbial ‘fuck ton’ of air. These two go back and forth, but once Ku really gets a hold of Carter, it’s game over. Ku by way of attempted murder. Post match, Carter is announced as the first entrant in the SCI Future Tournament.
Kerry Awful vs. Brett Ison vs. Mr. Brickster vs. James Bandy – It’s not a surprise that these guys did a lot in their time slot. So much history in this match and it showed with Brick aching to get his hands on Brett. I mean that was the real story to me here. Brick, still with a banged up leg thanks to AC Mack, wanted this win soooooo bad. We were also blessed with Brett mixing it up with Kerry which is always a pleasure. At one point, Kerry launched Brett to the outside where Brick and Bandy were, only for Awful to dive like a man that size shouldn’t be able to do. Bandy kind of got lost in the shuffle, but still hit that standing blockbuster which gets me every single time. Brett Ison adds another win to his already impressive 2019 with a vicious Street Justice to Brickster. Post match, Ison takes the boots to Brick before Bandy makes the save.
Bill Dundee and Cabana Man Dan vs. Nick Traimer and Alan Angels – 2019 wrestling fucking rules. Never did I think I’d see our beloved CMD teaming with the legend that is Bill Dundee, but we got it! Dan really dealt out a lot of the damage, but there is no doubt the highlight of the match was Dundee being handed a flip flop to chop with. For a split second, Dundee seemed confused as I’m sure he’s whooped a lot of people’s asses with a lot of things but never a flip flop. Sadly for Nick Traimer, it didn’t take long for Dundee to get a grasp of the deadly “flop chop.” Dundee wore Traimer out as Dan was doing the same to Angels. CMD hits ‘Surf’s Up’ leading us to now say that Bill Dundee and CMD are undefeated as a team.
Fan Strap Match: Aidan Wright vs. Jay Sparkz – So, attendees could enter a raffle to be one of eight fans that would essentially be lumberjacks with belts on the outside of the ring. The looks in some of the winners eyes was something. It felt like if both the guys in this match weren’t big, bad dudes there may have been a real bloodletting. Still, Bane Lynch, THE strapper, got some shit in. Aiden pulled one of the enforcers on the apron as they fought over the belt allowing Jay to get the roll up and the victory.
Nick Iggy vs. Bobby Flaco – Flaco flew all over the damn place, peeps. This isn’t a surprise, as he’s an AR Fox trainee so he’s got ‘big air’ in his veins. The crowd got behind him quick too, but it didn’t take very long for Iggy to break their hearts. He is a noted heartbreaker. The Ringleader gets a win on the way to defending his Luchaversal Championship the next night in Indianapolis for Bizarro Lucha.
O’Shay Edwards vs. Vordell Walker – This was my match of the night. We all know the success that is coming O’Shay’s way which made the energy for this one super crazy. Across the ring from him was a guy that really should be everywhere. These behemoths fought all over East Ridge, y’all. Both took gym floor bumps that sounded like the early stages of a building collapse. At one point, Vordell hit a reverse rana on Shay. Think about what was just written. O’Shay powered through it all and got a huge win, while almost catching a body, on his out up North. SEEK THIS MATCH OUT. Side note- it’s been said a million times, but O’Shay deserves every bit of success that’s coming his way. Actually, fuck that – he doesn’t deserve it, he’s earned it.
Jaden Newman vs. ‘Warhorse’ Jake Parnell – If the last match was my MOTN this was right there in a close second. Both guys have been tearing it up all over the damn place this year so this meeting had us all fired up. To no one’s surprise Jaden’s chest took a beating. Haley would go on to explain that his chest was bleeding from chops which blew her mind. Proud of her. We all knew a bloody, purple chest wasn’t gonna slow Numero Uno down. He fired back with everything he had leading to a HUGE pin fall victory over a legit BAMF in Jake Parnell.
Post match, Jaden was surprised with an SCI poster with his face on it leading to tears and cheers. It was officially announced that Jaden would be an entrant, which brought out AC Mack. Now, AC gets to pick his opponent since he won the SCI Rumble and he has decided that Jaden would be the one. I know AC just eaked out a win over Jaden not that long ago at SUP. I also know this tournament is FULL of killers but the hot streak Newman is on would make me think twice about calling the guy out. AC don’t give a shit about that tho. Really, really looking forward to seeing these guys square off again in August.
AC Mack vs. Joey Lynch – With AC already in the ring, it was time for the KOTM to make his entrance and boy was the Chattanooga faithful happy to see him. After a quick start, Joey just started throwing AC into the crowd. Like legit chucking Mack into chairs like it ain’t no thing. The two fought from one side of the gym to the other before things started to somewhat settle down. After Mack retook control but wasn’t happy with Doug’s refinng so he hit the Mack 10 on him! Doug is one of the absolute best at his job. This was a downright travesty y’all.
Thankfully, AC gets his comeuppance in the form of a super kick and famed Joey Lynch moonsault. What happens now with Joey holding a win over the current ACTION wrestling champ? Only time will tell.
This card rocked my socks off. It was really highlighted by O’Shay/Vordell and Jaden/Parnell but we can’t lose sight of Ku/Carter (which fucked) or the story told by the badasses in the fatal four way. Also, where else are you gonna get Cabana Man Dan tagging with Bill Dundee?! Highly recommend seeking this show out when it drops.
John Mosley is the independent wrestling and TV aficionado of the SoBros Network. He graduated from ETSU with a degree in Radio, TV and Film along with a minor in Film Studies. Since graduating he’s done pretty much nothing but watch, film, edit or commentate for local wrestling promotions and is the current color commentator for Resolute Wrestling. #Preds #Titans #DefendOrVacateConor Follow on Twitter: @SoBroMose.
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