Hey, y’all. It’s Ticklebits. They call me Ticklebits ’cause I make bits what tickle ya. They’re lettin’ me share my videos here on the website now. Stoney said something about making sure we got all of our original content on the website in addition to wherever they are so that we got everything in one spot or something like that. I don’t know that I remember it too well. I just know he wanted me to write some sort of introduction for my videos to post on here.
This was the first one I done all the way back in February. My favorite part of the Super Bowl is when the local grocery stores release them balloons that got the team logos on ’em. Once the game was over, though, there wasn’t nothing to do with ’em. I thought it’d be real funny for me to shoot the balloons with a BB gun and watch ’em explode.
Since I’m trying to get a million people to watch the SoBros Network YouTube channel, I thought this might be the best chance I ever have to go viral. It has 11 views right now, but I’m still confident that it can hit that 1,000,000-mark maybe even before 2019 is over with.
Thank y’all for gettin’ me my own show.
Check out the very first episode of my own show right here on the SoBros Network’s YouTube channel:
And, remember – if anyone from Family Feud reads this, it would be a lifelong dream come true for me and my wife Gene to be on so please consider us.
SoBros Network YouTube Classics
Stoney vs. Stoney
The SoBros Consumer Report
The SoBros Hot Minute
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