Feel Better About Yourself Tuesday….

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Some of you might have had a rough weekend. Looking back at your decisions and saying “man, I really wish I didn’t do that.” Well fear not! Stan here to make you realize your life could be much worse!

Courtesy of The Daily Mail:

A man has had a steel ring removed from his penis after it got firmly stuck on his penis for three days, according to reports.

Firefighters used a bolt cutter to break apart the metal object which had a diameter of two centimetres, or roughly 0.8 inches.

You saw that right, folks – my man had a steel ring stuck on his member for three days. It needed to be removed by the fire department and medical personnel.

Not only was the fire department involved, but they had to use bolt cutters. I know I get a little squeamish thinking about a bad zipper incident…imagine bolt cutters.

Feeling better about yourself yet? I sure am.

Only thing that would be less shocking than that this comes from China, would be if it came from India. I feel like this story has India written all over it. As if this whole ordeal wasn’t embarrassing enough, they are using measurements here. The ring was .8 inches in diameter. I am not one to pretend I have more than I do, but this seems to be excessively small?

He also refused to tell anyone how the ring got stuck there. At that point, you have to come up with a really elaborate story to try and save what little dignity you had left. What would your story be? Best answer gets five gold stars.

Stan is the Chief of Debauchery for SoBros Network. A native of the Northeast, he is a diehard fan of the New York Yankees, but no, he does not wear a big gold chain and backwards hat. Nor does he drink Heinekens. Follow on Twitter: @sobrostan.

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Image courtesy of Michael Dziedzic on Unsplash!

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