Lockdown Binge List: Television Comedy

Craving some good old fashioned television comedy to binge on Hulu and Netflix this weekend? Steven McCash has you covered!

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I bet so many of you didn’t mind the thought of being quarantined for two weeks when news first broke out…giving you some time to relax, rejuvenate the mind, and possibly finish that last season of Mad Men you’ve been putting off for five years now.

By now, you’ve baked 17 loafs of bread, completed every level of Candy Crush and downloaded and deleted Tik Tok as well. The 14-day quarantine deadline is going to come and pass and we will be stuck in our homes. So, when that day comes, what are you going to do then? You’re sure as hell not going to watch anymore of the news and who can blame you? It only seems appropriate to find something that will make you laugh.

There are a countless number of comedy television shows for you to binge watch on every streaming service, but which one is the right one for you?


This is a show that is beloved by many and has recently gone viral due, in part, to a clip from an episode that shows how quickly a disease can spread in a short amount of time.

Scrubs follows the staff of Sacred Heart, especially medical intern turned doctor John Dorian, as he tries to find his way through medicine with the help of his best friend, Turk, and the affection of his arrogant mentor, Dr. Cox. Scrubs has often been described by many who have spent their entire professional life in medicine as the most accurate portrayal of what life is like in a hospital.

Scrubs was on the air for nine seasons, but you want to binge the show and end on a happy note…then, completely disregard the final season. A large number of the show’s cast did not return for the ninth season, including star Zach Braff.

Scrubs is superbly written and acted and has arguably the best soundtrack of any show ever on television. Everybody loves Scrubs except for, of course, Hugh Jackman.

You can watch every episode of Scrubs on Hulu.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend

Who hasn’t quit their job and moved clear across the country to pursue an old high school flame? And when you did, did you ever just break out into song to help express your feelings? If so, then Crazy Ex-Girlfriend is the show for you.

Crazy Ex-Girlfriend follows Rebecca Bunch as she moves from New York to West Covina, CA and tries to win the love of Josh Chan. Through its four seasons, the true theme to the show is mental illness and its treatment as it shows the psychological development of Rebecca Bunch.

The show struggled to find an audience through its four seasons despite being a critic’s fave and being a Golden Globe winner.

You can catch every glorious song of Crazy Ex-Girlfriend on Netflix.


I’m going to catch a lot of heat for this, but Daria is not only the best of the Beavis and Butt-head spin-offs, but it is also the best thing Mike Judge has ever done. There – I said it.

Daria is an animated MTV series that centers around Daria Morgendorffer, an unpopular, somewhat hated, high school girl who observes the world around her. The main focus of the show is the relationship between the title character and her artistic best friend Jane. The friendship is tested many times throughout the final seasons as Daria and Jane both date Tom Sloane.

Daria lasted five seasons and also had two specials released, Is It Fall Yet? and Is It College Yet?

You can find Daria on Hulu.

The League

Millions and millions of Americans count down the day until their fantasy football draft. For Hollywood, it only made sense to capitalize on the love Americans have for fantasy football by creating a television show that centered around it.

The League took a deep look into how fantasy football has effected friendships and relationships and how it has made a great number of people shut-ins one day a week. The raunchy, often improvised, show spent seven seasons on air and had an extremely talented cast.

Every season of The League can be found on Hulu.

Steven McCash is the Music Columnist for SoBros Network. He is the pioneer of New Music Friday, highlighting each week’s new releases in the world of music, in addition to the occasional live show review. Follow on Twitter: @MC_Cash75

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