Let’s Take a Moment to Appreciate the Voluptuous Dance Moves of Paul Rudd

Paul Rudd is a dancing fiend and it's time he gets the credit he deserves for such sultry dance moves.

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We just quite frankly do not talk about Paul Rudd enough. Honestly, it’s kinda making me a little big angry as I type this, because that man deserves to be talked about at least once a day. No one, dare I say it….NO ONE has the range that The Ruddster has. You need funny? He’s HILARIOUS. You need dramatic…there’s NO ONE bet….I’m going to stop there. I’m getting carried away.

My point here is that Paul Rudd is a genius of men and a master craftsman of the art of making people laugh. I don’t know about you guys, but upon realizing this, I’m going to start trying to find ways to bring Paul up more in conversation. Doesn’t have to mean anything – it can be incredibly random…like, “hey man do you ever think about I Love You, Man?” Whatever it takes – it’s like Pepsi….the more I say ‘Pepsi,’ the more you want Pepsi.

We need to start the grassroots campaign to make Paul Rudd THE household name on planet Earth. If it catches fire, he could even become the President. Who KNOWS what could happen?

Anyway, it’s high time we take a moment to reflect upon one of Rudd’s more underrated skills: his dance moves.

He just moves so fluidly, and that smile, omfg THAT SMILE. It just exudes happiness. This man is so confident that it doesn’t matter if he’s just flailing his arms around like one of those inflatable tube men you see at car dealerships. You see this man dancing, and you’re immediately transported to a place where only happy thoughts are allowed in. If #GinFriday was a person, it might be Paul Rudd. He’s that good – just such a carefree dancer that you KNOW the music takes hold of him and commands his body. That’s the kind of free spirit we all yearn for in this life.

We should all strive to be more like Paul Rudd. I’m going to go dance now, as a matter of fact.

Apparently, there’s an entire Twitter account dedicated to posting clips of Paul Rudd dancing with legitimate dance music dubbed over it: @pauldancing. It’s as wonderful as it sounds.

Go follow ‘paul rudd dancing to’ and put some respect on this man’s name. Also, you might want to do that soon because it looks like Twitter has already taken down a few of the videos…yikes.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD and #BeBetter. “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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