SoBros Scary Stories: Reflection

'SoBros Scary Stories' is BACK for 2021, and Brittany Fernandez is leading the charge with this one!

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The view from Beth’s balcony is beautiful. At eye level, you are faced with tall, shady trees that are starting to show out for the autumn season. If you sit all the way down, you could make out the people walking on Atlanta’s beltline. You have to peek through the guard rails of the balcony, and through a few tree trunks, but it still provides a source of entertainment, especially tonight. It’s Halloween. 

So far, we’ve counted five pirates, a few Captain Americas, and a group of friends dressed as bowling pins. All of them are cheerfully enjoying the rare, cool, and breezy night in Georgia. Beth comes back from the kitchen with a bottle of champagne and her vape pen. “Oh look at the Jessica Rabbit!” she squeals, and lets out a big whistle. Jessica waves and we laugh. She pours me a glass of champagne and we both take a hit off her vape. The vibes are absolutely right at this moment. 

It’s a one-bedroom, but you can bunk with me tonight,” Beth says. She just moved in and this was our way of breaking in her new place. “Sounds good, but I HAVE to be up at 3:30. I have a flight to catch and I don’t want my brother to give me shit about missing another one,” I said. She promises that she will have me up and at it early in the morning. She then points out a man dressed as a turkey and shouts, “I like your wobble!“. The turkey does a little dance for us, and we start laughing uncontrollably. The rest of the night is spent on her balcony – drinking, smoking, talking, and people watching. 

Beth drops the very last of the champagne from the 2nd bottle in my cup and tells me to drink up. It’s time to go to bed. I take my phone out of my hoodie pocket and triple check that I have the alarm set for 3:30 am. I even show Beth just to make sure someone else is a witness. I down the rest of the champagne, and we each grab our pajamas to get ready for bed. Sleep comes quickly in the cool, pitch black room of my friend’s three story apartment. 

“It’s Beth, it’s Beth. It’s okay. It’s okay,” I heard faintly. “I know it’s dark but the bed is over here. You’re okay,” I hear again.

My eyes dart open as I hear Beth repeating, “You’re okay, you’re okay“.

When my eyes open, I see nothing. Just blackness in front of me. I try to compose myself while my other senses kick in. I feel softness under the palms of my hand, and realize I’m touching the carpet. My heart is beating incredibly fast. I take stock of a strange feeling coming from my knees. I put together that I am on all fours on the floor of Beth’s bedroom. I take my right hand and start to feel around me. The tips of my fingers find what feels like glass so I know that I’m next to the full length mirror that sits in the corner of the room. I then move my left hand in front of me and find the wall. I shake my head trying to remember how the hell I ended up on the floor and find myself on my feet.

I do a 180 and walk straight. I bump into Beth’s bed and start to climb back in under the covers. My eyelids feel like blinds that won’t stay open, I close them and once again enjoy blissful, substance-induced sleep.
I feel a nudge at my back. “Hey, hey,” Beth gently whispers. Another nudge. “Don’t you need to be at the airport right now. It’s 4:30,” she groans. I scream “FUCK!” and jump out of the comfortable, plush bed to start running around her apartment while madly throwing my clothes in my backpack. “Fuck fuck. I’m never going to make it,” I say. Beth sleepily responds, “Drive like the wind. You’ll make it“. I run to my car, throw my stuff in the backseat, and peel out of the garage. My Honda weaves in and out of cars on the highway. Other drivers are honking their horns or giving me the finger, but I don’t care. I can NOT miss this flight. 

My heart is racing as I am driving up and down the parking garage driving to find an open spot. I get lucky on level 3 and slide my tiny car between the white lines, shut it off, and throw my backpack over my shoulder in what all feels like one motion. 

Ding! I grab my cell phone out of my hoodie pocket as I’m running through the parking garage towards the doors of the American Airline terminal. You gonna make your flight?, the text from my brother reads. I respond with two woozy face emojis and keep running. Surprisingly, the security line is not long at all. It’ll be close, but I might actually make it. As I rush to my gate, I can feel my stomach rumble as smells of garlic and melted cheese fill my nostrils. I see the red neon sign that reads PIZZA HUTT. 

When the hell did Pizza Hut have two t’s in the name?,” I accidentally ask out loud and to no one in particular. Trying not to get too distracted, I quickly find my gate. The flight attendants are almost finished with boarding everyone now so I find my place in the back of the line and attempt to catch my breath. I take my seat on the plane and start to feel incredibly relieved. I can’t believe I actually made it. 

While the adrenaline wears off, I start to notice that my knees are burning through my pants. I pull them up to see that my legs are covered in bruises, and I have gnarly carpet burn on my knees. The blood was leaking through the light blue fabric of my pants. I mouth, “That’s fucking right. What happened to me last night?“. I pull my phone out of my hoodie pocket. Thanks for waking me up from that night terror last night and telling me it was okay. That was fucking weird, right?, the text to Beth reads.

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Did you make your flight?, her response says.

I blink a few times. Terribly confused, I buckle my seat belt and switch my cell phone to airplane mode.

“Ladies and gentlemen, the Captain has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven’t already done so, please…..”

Brittany Fernandez is a Lifestyle Writer for SoBros Network. She’s a Nashville native covering events on the local scene, B-movie horror reviews, and everything in between. Her go-to karaoke song is “No Diggity.” Follow on Twitter: @brittbutspooky

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