The Blind Side is a movie that tugs on your emotions. It is predictable and has a repeated formula that has been used in other underdog stories. But, I must say – this film has heart. As much as you know how this will end, you stay interested and are still rooting for what is inevitably going to happen.
The story is based on Michael Oher’s life and how he became a football star and the family that helped him get there. Oher, played by Quinton Aaron, grew up without a mother or any kind of family and did not even have his own bed to sleep in. But, thanks to the Tuohy family, Michael was able to get that family he always wanted and the help he needed.
Leigh Anne Tuohy (Sandra Bullock) and her husband, Sean (Tim McGraw), picked Michael up one night. He was going to stay at their house for just the night. Needless to say, he stayed a lot more than one night.
This family has a huge heart. It’s easy to see that the Tuohy family gave Michael the opportunities he would have never had otherwise, but Michael gave the Tuohy family so much more. He opened their eyes to the world around them and not just what happens in their gated community.
Sandra Bullock plays Leigh Anne perfectly. She is fiery and speaks her mind. She does not care what anyone thinks, and while she may appear like a bitch at times, she is far from it. Bullock has had a pretty good year with this film and The Proposal. I guess we can forget she made All About Steve. I haven’t seen it, but what I have heard is not good. And it is so nice to see Bullock step away from the romantic comedy genre for a little bit. She is a great and likable actress, but to get a little bit dramatic doesn’t hurt anyone.
Tim McGraw is good. He plays the supportive husband and lets Leigh Anne get away with a lot. He lets her get away with everything, actually. Kathy Bates plays Michael’s tutor and it is a small role, but Bates never disappoints. And it is cool to see some head coaches and former coaches of college football teams in the movie. They are all scouting Michael, and it is weird to see Nick Saban as the coach for LSU and Philip Fulmer still the head coach of Tennessee.
How the director found Quinton Aaron I will never know. He looks a lot like Michael Oher during his high school and college days. They are both big guys, but Quinton had to lose 100 pounds and he is still a huge guy. But Quinton brings out the emotional and scared side of this gentle giant. He is quiet and keeps to himself. But anyone who is willing to give him a chance will realize how gracious and loving he is.
The Blind Side is about race, addiction, family, the wealthy, and the poor. However, the focus of the movie is about love, giving, forgiving, and a boy becoming a man.
Michael Oher is a part of the Tuohy family and that will never change. Whether you know how this story goes or not, you cannot help but feel inspired or at least encouraged by the life this family lives.
Brandon Vick is a member of The Music City Film Critics’ Association, the resident film critic of the SoBros Network, and the star of The Vick’s Flicks Podcast. Follow him on Twitter @SirBrandonV and be sure to search #VicksFlicks for all of his latest movie reviews.
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