The SoBros Mailbag #204: An Ode to Grand Old Golf

It's lunch time on a Friday. The SoBros Mailbag is here.

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Let’s face it – every day we are routinely bombarded with questions. When you’re an emerging media company in Nashville, people just want to know what your opinions are on everything. It’s only natural. And, since our duty is to serve the people, well, we have no choice but to be present. That’s the SoBro Way. Also, aren’t mailbags just a barrel of laughs anyway? Welcome to the newest weekly recurring feature up in this bitch: The SoBros Mailbag. As always, hit us with those mailbag questions @SoBrosNetwork on Twitter, email ’em to me anonymously at And, holy shit, I need to update this terrible intro paragraph that I’ve been using literally ever since I started writing this column…



Zach, I don’t know if you know this about me or not, but this is kind of “a thing” about me. I’ve probably seen…maybe….10 movies that were made before the year 2000. That’s probably a bit of an exaggeration, but you get the idea. I didn’t really start watching movies until I was around 14 years old. Just wasn’t a movie kid growing up, but my best bud from childhood (shoutout our resident film critic Brandon Vick) was obsessed with them. So, I started really paying attention to movies because that was his thing and that was how our social circle spent our time back in high school – a movie at Opry Mills and dinner at the Applebee’s in the Radisson every fucking Friday night.

This is a long-winded way of saying I never saw Celtic Pride, but I hope you get your sequel.



Brent, I’m going to hit you with a mind-blowing revelation today – that’s actually not pie. That is A PILE of shaved ice….coconut cream pie flavored. Coconut flavored shaved ice, topped with graham cracker crumbs, a mountain of whipped cream and a dusting of toasted coconut. I got this shit at the mini-golf course – Grand Old Golf. Next time you’re in Nashville, hit me up and we’ll go shoot 18 and eat some decadent shaved ice like the 10-year-olds we are.

By the way, can we talk about Grand Old Golf as the Nashville institution it is? I love the whole Music Valley area because it feels like one of the few areas of Nashville that has been left largely untouched by all of the insane growth in the area, and it’s rarely busy. But, there’s just something that feels right about being out at Grand Old Golf in the summer time. I’m a guy that has a hard time relaxing, but as childish and silly as it sounds, that particular mini-golf course gets in my zen mode. If they ever decide to close up shop, it will break my heart.

Also, the married life is kinda bittersweet right now – I felt like our wedding was so perfect that I’ve been living in that moment for three weeks now. It’s made it hard to get back to a regular routine – there’s sort of a post-wedding fog hanging over me where I’m equal parts relieved to have the work part of it done, but also sad that it’s all over. I’m easing back into it, though.

Keep the questions coming – catch y’all next week!

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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