The Inaugural SoBros Short Fiction Contest Is OPEN for Entries

Any short story writers out there, take a stab at this one. Accepting entries through 9/2/22.

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I’ll level with you guys – I don’t know what I’m doing here. Writing short fiction has always been a passion of mine (I’ve written 11 short stories that are available as ‘SoBros Short Fiction’ on our Patreon), and I’ve always been intrigued by reading short stories because of how interesting you have to make a tale within a limited word count. To me, it’s one of the most creative endeavors you can pursue. One of our core values at SoBros Network is to uplift others, and with whatever platform we have, I want to do my part to give back to the creative community that I am proud to be apart of, and that has been incredibly good to me. Out of that appreciation and desire, the inaugural ‘SoBros Short Fiction Contest’ (we need a better name for this, I’ll admit) was born.

It’s simple – if you have written a short story, it’s purely fictional, and you want to enter it into this contest, just make sure it meets the requirements below and shoot it over to thesobrosnetwork@gmail as an attachment by 9/2/22.


  • Clear title and author name listed in the document.
  • We’re an 18+ type of brand, so please no entrants from authors under the age of 18.
  • 10,000-word maximum, 500-word minimum.
  • The story submitted can’t currently be published elsewhere. We ain’t tryin’ to create enemies out there, folks.
  • Don’t submit stories using IP that doesn’t belong to you. No Avengers fan fic, please.

That’s literally it – you are free to submit work from any genre, dealing with any theme, and you’re free to use the word ‘fuck’ as many times as you need to. We’re not going to hold foul language against you. I’ve written stories that touch on supernatural elements, surrealism, love and missed connections, humor (dark humor), and even a little bit of outright horror. There really are no rules when it comes to that. It’s about how your story makes us feel.

If you’re not a regular around here, I would strongly encourage you to poke around the website a bit and definitely read our ‘About’ page before submitting your work. Y’know…just make sure that we’re the type of people you’re okay with when it comes to representing your hard work.

The winner will receive a $50 prize (assuming you’re willing to provide a PayPal or Venmo handle), and we’ll run the story on SoBros Network for as long as you want it on the site (for example, if you end up getting it published elsewhere, just let us know and we’ll remove it). We aren’t interested in owning your work – we are solely interested in promoting creative shit and giving back whatever crumbs we can to the creative community.

Our panel of judges includes SoBros Network contributors and friends of our brand who are especially qualified to read cool shit. I’m still building out the panel, but I can state that everyone other than me will be reading the stories blind (not knowing who the author is). I will do my best to provide feedback to any writer that wants it.

We will be accepting entries through September 2, 2022. Please email your typed document in pdf form to with the subject line reading ‘Short Fiction Contest: [STORY TITLE].’ Let the games begin.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley

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