Podcast: Weirdness at the Lake Michigan Triangle

ICYMI: Check out the latest episode of Phone It In!

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Did you guys know there’s a Lake Michigan Triangle? Operates pretty similarly to what we all grew up believing about the Bermuda Triangle. Same thing pretty much. Who knew? I never knew! I can’t believe it! Well, thankfully, Rooster was there to educate me, as she often does for all of us. On our latest episode of Phone It In, we spent some time running through some of the stories that have circulated around this region.

There’s your classic disappearances. There’s some not so classic disappearances that weird me out even more. There are giant ice blocks falling from the sky. And, it all dances around the idea that maybe…just maybe…this weird place is some sort of portal to another dimension. I feel like we’ve hit the “portal to another dimension” button yet again on this show. But, that’s what we do. Besides, that’s much more fun to think about than “yeah, it was probably just some kind of freakish hail…

If you haven’t already, subscribe to Phone It In on Apple Podcasts, follow us on Spotify, or you can simply smash that play button on the embed below to fire up our latest episode on some of the wild shit that has gone down up on that particular region of Lake Michigan:

Listen to “Ep. 36: The Lake Michigan Triangle” on Spreaker.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.

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