The SoBros Mailbag 228: The Last Mailbag of 2022!

It's lunch time on a Friday. The SoBros Mailbag is here for the last time in 2022.

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Let’s face it – every day we are routinely bombarded with questions. When you’re an emerging media company in Nashville, people just want to know what your opinions are on everything. It’s only natural. And, since our duty is to serve the people, well, we have no choice but to be present. That’s the SoBro Way. Also, aren’t mailbags just a barrel of laughs anyway? Welcome to the newest weekly recurring feature up in this bitch: The SoBros Mailbag. As always, hit us with those mailbag questions @SoBrosNetwork on Twitter, email ’em to me anonymously at And, holy shit, I need to update this terrible intro paragraph that I’ve been using literally ever since I started writing this column…



Well, you know how I do – break hasn’t even started and I’ve already got three drafts in the queue for 2023 that I’m sure I’ll work on. I always get that creative itch at some point during the break because I genuinely love what I do here and begin to miss it. But, I do plan to take a real, hard break this year. I’m going to drink some beer, drink some gin, eat some food, gain 20 pounds, and then be miserable by the time I get back.

I also have about 34K words sewn together for my book that I’ve been working on this year – short stories, poetry, essays, and recipes. I’m going to try to take some time to get that all caught up, add a few more things to it, and start cleaning it up. If I can get it to 50K words, I’m going to start trying to push to maybe…*sigh*…feels weird to say this…start seeing if I could possibly get my brain published.



I’m told it’s a “generational thing,” and maybe it’s one of those movies that you just had to be of a certain time and place to really fall in love with. But, there’s no way in hell I’m watching this thing every season. I’ve watched it exactly once, and that’s all. I’ll continue my holiday rotation without it. It is one of the most boring movies, holiday or otherwise, I have EVER seen in my life. Definitely don’t get the hype behind it. Thanks, I hate it.



Give me Ghost covering Korn’s Follow the Leader and/or Issues.



I have always had a “don’t flirt with the bartenders” rule, so I might be the wrong person to ask about this. I just feel like it’s creep behavior towards people who are probably already dealing with a ton of creep behavior. Because of that, I’d say he has 0% chance in pulling this off.

Don’t get me wrong – if the bartender deems one worthy and decides to flirt with said person at a level higher than “I’m just trying to get a good tip,” then by all means, one is allowed to reciprocate. You just can’t be the one initiating it, I guess, is my point here.

It’s a tall mountain to climb to begin with, but then you’re spitting Tom Cruise movie recommendations?!?! I don’t know. Just sounds weak to me – pass along something enriching and enlightening like MacGruber or Shrek. 0% chance – I’m holding steady there.

Keep the questions coming – catch y’all next week!

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.

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