Alright, folks – let’s keep this “best of 2022” train rolling here on our last week for content here on SoBros Network before we shut down for our holiday break. Today, I’m looking at our 10 most viewed videos of the year. Now, these are just straight up YouTube analytics because I don’t have time to track down individual video stats across all platforms. For pretty much every video we release, that sumbitch is going up on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, AND Tik Tok. We randomly got some good numbers on each platform throughout the year, but considering we released hundreds of videos this year, I ain’t gonna sit and manually do the math. Maybe I should’ve titled this “Best of the SoBros YouTube, 2022,” huh? Nevertheless, fuck it we ball.
The Top 10 SoBros Videos of 2022
10. The 2022 SoBros Network Fall Feast – link – Who doesn’t want to watch people eat pumpkin spiced ramen and pumpkin spiced hot sauce?!? Come on!
9. Yankee Candle Reviews: White Gardenia – link – I think this only got passed around on social media because I made what I think is a solid joke, calling this a great bathroom candle because it smells like the air freshener my grandparents had in their bathroom growing up. That’s only my best guess.
8. 2022 Isle of Man TT Watch-Along – link – This was a great idea from Ryan – getting up at 5AM to prep for an event that I know very little about was a little intimidating, but I found the livestream to be equal parts race coverage and informational for casual viewers. Throw in that we had a hundred people watching because apparently this event is covered extensively enough, and it was a massive success that I hope we continue to do moving forward.
7. Woodwick Candle Reviews: Elderberry Bourbon – link – I ventured off of my usual Yankee Candle path for this one, and maybe that was part of the draw. People were like, “oh shit – a Woodwick Candle Review?” I don’t know – but I know that I love this fucking candle.
6. Ten Count LIVE from the 2022 SoBros Content Retreat – What a fun way to highlight one of the most special weekends in SoBros Network’s history. The 2022 SoBros Content Retreat was a blast, but perhaps the most fun we had was eating hot wings on the back deck live on social media at lunch time on a Friday.
5. How the Tennessee Titans offense likes to “cause conflict” – link – A simple illustration of how the Titans like to design plays on offense to make opposing defenses stop and think about what they’re doing.
4. Yankee Candle Reviews: Balsam and Cedar – link – The Yankee Candle Reviews are the lifeblood of the SoBros Network YouTube channel right now, but the fact that this one topped the list this year was a tad surprising to me.
3. Jeni’s Ice Cream Review: Sunshine – link – Listen…people love ice cream, and you always give the people what they want: ice cream content!
2. The Vick’s Flicks Podcast LIVE Oscars Watch-Along – link – When this thing starts showing up in the ‘video of the year’ conversation, the ‘podcast of the year’ conversation, and most definitely the ‘best of The Vick’s Flicks Podcast, 2022’ conversation, you know you’ve done something truly special for your loyal viewers. Happy to say this was a roaring success.
1. Interview: NFL Draft OL Prospect, Cole Strange – Man, Cole Strange looked like the mold for what the Tennessee Titans look for in a versatile, scrappy offensive lineman. The dude plays with a punch! I’m still bitter they missed out on him, but am happy for Cole that he ended being a first round pick, heading to the New England Patriots. This interview came off the heels of the 2022 Senior Bowl, and was a ton of fun.
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.
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