Let’s face it – every day we are routinely bombarded with questions. When you’re an emerging media company in Nashville, people just want to know what your opinions are on everything. It’s only natural. And, since our duty is to serve the people, well, we have no choice but to be present. That’s the SoBro Way. Also, aren’t mailbags just a barrel of laughs anyway? Welcome to the newest weekly recurring feature up in this bitch: The SoBros Mailbag. As always, hit us with those mailbag questions @SoBrosNetwork on Twitter, email ’em to me anonymously at thesobrosnetwork@gmail.com. And, holy shit, I need to update this terrible intro paragraph that I’ve been using literally ever since I started writing this column…
Have you considered doing an infinity bottle with gin?
— Counter,Remove, Repeat (@ohmfacekiller) March 3, 2023
Man, I do love weeks like this when the mailbag is a little quiet but I just get that one question that I can really sink my teeth into. We got one today, folks. Truth be told, I had no idea what an infinity bottle even was before I took this question. When I looked it up, I was absolutely in on the idea.
Apparently, this is a whiskey thing. It’s essentially a never-ending bottle, hence the name. When I first read it, I was like “oh yeah – I’ve got an infinity bottle of J&B scotch sitting at the bar in a decanter. I know what this means! Seems weird.” But, I had to slow it down and read it again. Sometimes, I’m not the brightest. *pats chest* I’ll own that. The distinction here is that as whiskey is consumed, whatever is poured OUT of the bottle is replenished with a different whiskey. So essentially, you’re blending all of this stuff over time into some Frankenstein’s monster of whiskey. It’s like a liquor suicide, if we’re still allowed to say that – y’know…the thing where you get a little bit of each fountain at the soda machine?
I can’t imagine the interesting flavors that could arise out of gin. I’m not trying to shit talk whiskey, but I do believe that a good gin is the most complex and interesting liquor of all time. Now increase those botanical combinations exponentially, and holy shit. The sky’s the limit with what we can do for #GinFriday. I mean, you’ve got to think….with an infinity bottle, you’re coming up with something that no one else in the world can drink. I’m so in on this idea that I think I’m going to start with my next trip to the liquor store and a new decanter.
Keep the questions coming – catch y’all next week!
Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.
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