Growing up, I never thought scooters would be such a big thing. I couldn’t even tell you how old I was the first time I ever saw a scooter. Probably 14. Nonetheless, they’ve become such a big headline maker in this city in the last few years. People hate them. The people that use them are all over the place on them. And, I’m not convinced that anyone actually knows how to use them. Thankfully, it sounds like Lime is going to drop some scooters in this city that actually have a seat on them. Whew. That ought to make things so much better.
The green rideshare scooters got an upgraded seat and storage compartment. Nashville is the first city in the world to try out the new models.
The scooters aren’t going away any time soon. In fact, it would seem as though they are evolving. I don’t know if this is a good thing or a bad thing, but maybe it’ll at least make these damn things a little safer. You combine some drinking on Broadway with some people who are uncoordinated to begin with, and you’ve got a damn hot mess on your hands. Remember when that lady ate shit in front of Bridgestone Arena in that viral clip that circulated around all of Nashville? Does that happen if she’s able to sit down? Probably not. Maybe not, at least. Being able to sit down keeps people from having to balance like they’re on a damn motorized skateboard with a handle.
I mean, think about it – how many people do you know that are absolutely sick on a Razr scooter? Now, imagine adding a motor to that and throw it in the middle of busy ass downtown Nashville. There probably aren’t too many people equipped to handle that. It boggles my mind how these things ever became so popular to begin with. They seem dangerous. Now, would I hop on one for content? Absolutely. I’m going to go viral with my teeth splattering the pavement, LFG. But, and maybe this is just because I thoroughly understand my own limitations, I would never consider these things as a reasonable choice of transportation. Maybe that’s just me.
So, I commend Lime for dropping these things in our city. Now, I say we set up some cameras and have our own Music City Grand Prix on these things. Who’s going to stop us? They can’t even stop people from literal drag racing in intersections in this town. Let’s have some fun with this thing if they’re going to provide us with an instrument that can be used for great fun.
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Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.
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