I Actually Love That London Is Getting Ravens-Titans

I hope the fine football fans of London are ready for a street fight come October.

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Even though the schedule release isn’t supposed to take place until later tonight, games have been released all throughout the week. Hell, the NFL sent out a press release with the international games themselves! I’m not sure if this is an attempt to make the schedule release a weeklong celebration, but you ain’t gotta go to all that trouble for me, chief. Don’t get me wrong – I like that there’s meaningful football content to consume here in May when nothing else is really going on outside of rookie minicamps. But, I’ve just never been a big schedule release guy. Nonetheless, I couldn’t help but pump my fists a little bit when I saw the news that the Tennessee Titans would be taking on the Baltimore Ravens in London on Sunday October 15th at 8:30AM CST.

I know some people are mad about this – something about it taking away a home game from the Titans that would’ve been a big time rivalry game. I get that. But, I don’t even go to the games anyway. Maybe this is a hot take, but I actually mostly hate the stadium experience…crammed into seats that are far too tiny for a man of my stature (6’2″ 280, baby!), barely able to read the numbers on the jerseys because I’m half blind. You have to sell a kidney for the price of a beer. So, I don’t really care. I wasn’t going to go to this game anyway unless I copped free tickets and had the chance to go get shitfaced with my friends at the tailgate.

The only downside to this for me is that my wife is already on me about making this trip, and I just love holding onto my money too much to let that kind of chunk go. I’m holding out until we win the lottery before I start planning overseas trips. We want to do London at some point, but I’m just worried about what the cat would think about us leaving him here all alone for a week. Anyway, I love this for London. I won’t pretend to have a photographic memory and remember every game that’s been played across the pond, but I can’t imagine there have been too many deeply personal rivalry games that have been held over there. So, London is probably going to get a show. Really, it’s the next step in the evolution of the NFL’s quest to open up a European division – let’s get some bigger, more personal, games over there and see how it goes.

I would absolutely love that for them! I want to share all aspects of the game with our friends in England. If you want the NFL, buddy, you’re going to get all of it. If all they’ve witnessed so far are some tame ass games, I just want to see the reaction they have to a street fight like Titans-Ravens. Who is going to dance on who’s logo? Which Titans are the Ravens going to try and injure? Is Jim Harbaugh going to talk shit to Mike Vrabel again? There’s just something about the intensity of the games between these two teams. And oh hey, Owen and I actually cut an episode on this esteemed Ravens-Titans rivalry a couple of summers ago.

Listen to “Ep. 68: The Titans-Ravens Rivalry” on Spreaker.

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Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.

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