The Drink That’s Sure to Give You the Stickiest Hands Ever

I can't wait to try this drink out this weekend and spend the rest of the day washing my hands!

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You have to stay sharp on these internet streets, or you will undoubtedly get got. Now, I think the video we’re going to talk about here today is an instance of trying to get people riled up. There’s this trend of doing intentionally cringe stuff in Tik Toks and acting like things are perfectly normal so that you rage bait people into engaging with the content. I can appreciate the humor behind it, and I like to think that I’ve developed a pretty good sense for sniffing that bullshit out. But, I can definitely understand how someone could see such a video and have smoke coming out of their ears. I’m not sure where this video lands, but I’m always going to err on the side of “done on purpose for engagement.” Clout is a hell of a drug. Nonetheless, let’s suspend our disbelief for a bit and just watch this lady make what will undoubtedly be the stickiest drink you’ll ever have.

There is more than one mystery in this video, but I think the chocolate syrup on the outside of the glass is so egregious that we immediately lose sight of everything else in this video. Is it for real? Is it intentionally designed to make us all freak out?!?! I don’t know, but it is funny as hell regardless. I like to think, in my heart of hearts, that this is a legit mistake and halfway through creating this drink, she realizes “fuck…that was supposed to go on the inside.

Can you imagine trying to pick that thing up? It’s gonna be sliding all around your hands and the next thing you know, you’re going to hear glass breaking like Stone Cold Steve Austin is walking out, and you’re going to have that drink all over you. You’re going to be spending the rest of the night in the bathroom trying to wash that sticky off your hands. But, that’s not the only thing that caught my eye about this video.

How about those nondescript bottles of what we assume are milk, and what? Coffee? Is that rum? I don’t know. Is it Coca-Cola? Look – I’m not putting anything past anyone in this day and age with some of the food shit I’ve seen on Tik Tok. I love the energy – just give us a recipe, but don’t tell us what the ingredients are. Just make us all assume. Then, I also love the technique when deploying the whipped cream. Am I the only person that just pushes the nozzle? Does that make me a caveman? Am I supposed to be posing like I’m displaying a product on an infomercial whenever I spritz a little whipped cream on my dessert? Was she just trying not to damage her nails? I don’t understand it. Like, that’s how an alien that has possessed a human’s body might try to put whipped cream in his coffee. I love it. A++ video.

Bravo. Whether you were trying to enrage us, entertain us, or genuinely trying to pass along a great drink recipe, bravo.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.

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