This Guy Putting Out a Fire While Dancing Is Peak Cool

Would you have the wherewithal to put out a fire and keep dancing at a wedding? This guy did!

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Do people still say ‘cool’ anymore? Like is it okay for me to call someone cool? I’m 37 years old and trying desperately to keep a younger demographic around on SoBros Network if you can’t tell. It’s not rizz because he’s not trying to sex anyone up. It can’t be drip because….well, just watch the clip. I just think this guy is the epitome of cool in the true, traditional sense of the word. I just don’t know if it’s still acceptable for me to say that or not. Regardless, this is a hell of a move to just casually put out a fire at a wedding and keep dancing like nothing happened.

What kind of caveman move is just taking your arm and sliding the shit that’s on fire onto the ground? People are running around screaming and his reaction is to approach the fire and knock it off that barrel? This is some real fight or flight shit. This guy needs to be a paramedic or something if he isn’t already. Most people’s instincts carry them away from danger. This guy’s instincts carry him towards the danger. That’s admirable.

Also, I forgot about the beginning of this video when I wrote that intro, so maybe he is trying to rizz that woman up in this clip? I don’t know. I’m still kind of lost on that part. But, he’s cool! This guy is just plain cool. He goes from dry humping to literally putting out a fire so no one gets hurts and immediately breaks back into his dance routine. How many things have you ever done that have been that cool? I’m thinking back through my 37 years on this Earth and I can’t think of a single damn thing that would top this. We need to admit it – this guy is peak cool.

Editor’s note: I remember seeing this video a couple of years ago or so? I don’t know. I might have already written about this clip, and if I have, I apologize. I’ve been doing this for 10.5 years now and my brain’s turning to mush, so forgive me. At least there’s the possibility that I wrote something new and inventive this time? Doubt it, but maybe.

Stoney Keeley is the Editor in Chief of The SoBros Network, and a Dogs Playing Poker on velvet connoisseur. He is a strong supporter of Team GSD, #BeBetter, and ‘Minds right, asses tight.’ “Big Natural” covers the Tennessee Titans, Nashville, Yankee Candle, and a whole wealth of nonsense. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley.

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