Hello SoBros world! I am excited to announce that I have been added to the list of contributors here.
The genre of content you can expect from me will vary across a wide spectrum of technology, cars, aviation, self-improvement, and exploration of the planet. I am also writing for my own blog, so I will be cross-posting what I write over there for the SoBros universe.
With that introduction taken care of, I would like to give you all the dubious opportunity of getting to know me a little better. Most of you know I left corporate America and went into commission-only sales work a little over a year ago in January 2015. This work has awoken a new me that I didn’t even know existed. Since then I have been in a continuous frenzy of urgent self-educating, hustling hard in sales, surviving the crazy ups and downs of my health insurance business, and searching for the next opportunity. My hard-working and beautiful partner Samantha and I have built a lovely work-from-home life in Mount Juliet with our goofball dog Murphy.
Well, in February, I discovered the world of e-commerce, and ever since then that discovery has impacted every single day. It was like discovering a hidden universe. As it turns out, a regular guy like me can start his own brand of stuff on Amazon, and it’s apparently quite compelling for the people that succeed. I am a risk taker with a lot of work ethic, so I couldn’t resist. I sold off some toys, raided my savings, and dove head first into a strange and heady world of Chinese manufacturers, international wire transfers, creating a website, and down the rabbit hole of increasingly arcane subjects like SEO (search engine optimization) and online marketing. As events have progressed, I eventually came to the realization that this journey isn’t really about getting some custom-branded headphones onto Amazon. It’s about learning how to understand the deep inner workings of the matrix that is today’s internet, and that is a mountainous task that I am taking great pleasure in tackling.
So in addition to planes, electronics, automobiles, etc I will also be occasionally sharing updates about how this e-commerce experiment is going. It’s definitely one of the most insane things I have ever done, and I believe the experience gained will alone be worth the cost of entry, even if I don’t sell a single unit.
Never stop self-educating, folks. You never know where it might take you. See you all on my next post! Rumor has it that it might be about travel.
Chris Remboldt is the founder of Exoverse Products. He joins the SoBros Network as a contributor in the fields of tech, auto, travel, and anything else he damn well pleases. Check Exoverse Products out on Instagram @exoverseproducts.
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