If it’s one thing we know for sure about Donald Trump, it’s that he loves Twitter. That, in and of itself, is pretty hilarious. It’s 2016, and as far as generating buzz, Twitter is the wasteland of social media.
I’m still on Twitter – I’ve made some pretty decent acquaintances there, but NO ONE finds the SoBros Network via Twitter. Seriously – Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, Vine, and dare I say, Periscope have all surpassed Twitter in terms of people actually paying attention.
But, don’t tell the presumptive Republican nominee that!
He’s still 100% behind the Twitter hype machine.
Now, thanks to Caitlin Yilek over at The Hill, it seems Trump’s advisers are growing concerned that he’s going to reveal his VP selection on Twitter whenever he damn well pleases.
“The billionaire’s campaign has privately discussed announcing Trump’s running mate as soon as this month to deflect from the Trump University controversy, according to Bloomberg.
Some of his advisers have expressed concern that he could decide to tweet the announcement without warning.
But Trump says he’d “like to save” the announcement.”
What a total wild card! This is the reason you don’t take Grandpa to the Mexican restaurant….because you just never know when he’s going to go rogue and start passing out racial slurs like candy. It’s like he’s a kid who you have to hide the popsicles from because otherwise, he’d just eat them all at once.
In those two scenarios, he’s either a senile old man a child. Heh – kind of funny considering those seem to be the two ends of his personal spectrum. He kind of operates between angry old man and bratty kid on a regular basis.
Still, this is his team we’re talking about here. His own people are afraid of what he’s going to do if left to his own devices.
This isn’t some run of the mill celebrity either – this is a man running for President of the United States, and the information that’s hanging in the balance here? Who his Vice President would be.
FFS, it’s not like someone knows the McRib is coming back and McDonald’s is trying really hard to keep that person from spilling the beans.
This is the grand political landscape of the most important position in our country we’re talking about here. Personally, I don’t think you can be shocked any more.
I hope Trump goes on Twitter and announces Bill Cosby as his VP. Or, Joffrey Baratheon. Whatever. He could go on Twitter and attempt to draft Edgerrin James to the New York Giants for all I care. I love thinking of the idiots who decided to align with Trump maniacally pulling their hair out over this.
He has the power that people give him.
Love the man or hate him, Trump does what he wants. Total shitshow….and I mean our nation’s politics along with Trump. What a time to be alive.
Stoney Keeley is the editor of the SoBros Network, Tennessee Titans Featured Analyst for Pro Football Spot, and covers the WWE for WrestlingNews.co. Follow on Twitter @StoneyKeeley,@PFSpot, @WrestlingNewsCo
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