Last week, I encouraged you the reader to look inward and define your dream. This time around, I want to show you an entire dimension of the universe that for many remains forever hidden – the field of mental power.
Every waking moment, there are ideas, agendas and allegations that are constantly flowing through your environment. This article is one such information broadcast source. Your coworkers, friends, and the random people you meet are all like magnets, generating their own invisible mindset fields that begin to change and align your thought pattern to theirs to varying extents every time you make contact with them. Television, radio, the internet, and social media are constantly at full power competing for control of your mind.
The struggle for the control of human thought is an all-encompassing, never-resting conflict. We enter this roar of competition as soon as we are born, and much like the fish that has no concept of water, we move through this incredibly complex and competitive medium of thought-war without conscious awareness of its existence. Political parties, sects of religion, and even genres of music and television are like actual geographical countries and cities, and just like their physical counterparts, they are constantly in fluctuating states of truce, war, treaty, and embargo.
When someone decides that they want to change their life and go from their current state to the life they desire, opposing forces of ideas are automatically generated to prevent them from changing their paradigm. The majority of these thoughts come from within, generated by our own fear mechanism. We aren’t accustomed to the challenge of the new goal we’re considering, and our self-protecting subconscious mind doesn’t want to leave the relative safety and comfort of our current lifestyle. While some opposition may come from external sources, by far the most difficult struggle on the way to achievement is fought inside of our own heads.
Take a moment and consider these few paragraphs you’ve just read. Close your eyes and behold the battlefield, both internal and external. This theater of conflict is where the most important wars of the universe are fought. No Steve Jobs, Samuel Adams, or Galileo reached the posthumous halls of legend where they now reside without first becoming incredibly skilled and powerful mental warriors. The invisible forces of opposition they encountered were absolutely enormous. Yet they had the fortitude to fight prolonged campaigns against the status quo of their times and even their own doubts, winning through with resounding and truly glorious success.
No Jedi Knight or J. K. Rowling wizard has approached the actual power of the legendary humans in the history of our species. The forces each of us are capable of setting in motion are more incredible than magic, and the ability to change the path of history is far more profound than any telekinetic power on screen or in fiction.
As everything now mighty was first insignificant and vulnerable, so once were the mental abilities of the great names of history. No one is born with the ability to control their own mindset; this is something that must be exercised like a muscle and developed with sincere discipline. The power to control your mind is truly a struggle, but once reached, the benefits are limitless. If a person can control their own mind, then their environment and destiny become things that they can manipulate as naturally as a captain orders the physical maneuvers of a frigate upon the ocean.
The environmental permeation of the mental battlefield is utterly complete. The question is whether you will be one that rides with the currents, or will be someone who decides their own direction. The extreme ends of this spectrum of mental control can be likened to a jellyfish and a naval submarine.
The jellyfish is at the mercy of the ocean, and is often washed up on the shore to its own destruction. It does not realize that the ocean it is suspended in can betray it in a matter of hours. This is analogous to taking no effort to control the flow of information, advice, and ideas that both you and your environment are constantly feeding into your mindset.
The submarine, however, is completely impervious to the uncontrolled intrusion of the ocean. The water that enters it is processed into the form and quantity that is healthy for its mission. Not only does it prevent the externalities from entering, it is so well-ordered internally that it can move through the ocean at amazing speeds and distances to reach a goal determined by its commander. This is akin to mental mastery of the highest order, and is one of the greatest ideals a human mind can strive towards.
All nautical analogies aside, you are now beginning to glimpse the battle for your mind. Society demands you conform to the prevailing groupthink of the era, corporations and politicians spend massive sums to reach you, and friends and family hope that you hold values that are compatible with their own. I urge you to weigh carefully all of your innermost beliefs, and search for your true self. Once you know your mind as well as you know your environment, you may begin to harness a power that can change your world and that of others as well. The power I speak of is that of a well-ordered and fortified human mind that sees the universe as it truly is, with no obscuring filters applied and no incoming idea left unchecked.
Everyone who reads this possesses the most powerful piece of technology ever formed, resting right between their ears. You are issued this weapon for typically about 80 years or so. Get to know it; figure out how to use its creative power to direct the river of your future and the record of your legacy. Become the captain of your paradigm. As Winston Churchill said, “The empires of the future are the empires of the mind.”
Remmy is the founder of Exoverse Products. He joins the SoBros Network as a contributor in the fields of business, tech, auto, travel, and anything else he damn well pleases. Check Exoverse Products out on Instagram @exoverseproducts.
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